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Blutorangensaft t1_iz9pl46 wrote

I get that, but I find it a little hard to believe that nobody immediately pointed out a nonlinearity would solve the issue. Or is that just hindsight bias, thinking it was easier because of what we know today?


ThisIsMyStonerAcount t1_iza1qzy wrote

What nonlinearity would solve the issue? The usual ones we use today certainly wouldn't. Are you thinking a 2nd order polynomial? I'm not sure that's a generally applicable function, with being non-monotonical and all?

(Or do you mean a hidden layer? If so: yeah, that's absolutely hindsight bias).


Blutorangensaft t1_iza9zrt wrote

I see. I meant the combination of a nonlinear activation function and another hidden layer. Was curious what people thought, thanks for your comment.


chaosmosis t1_izawfsz wrote

Non-monotonic activation functions can allow for single layers to solve xor, but they take forever to converge.