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MisterBadger t1_j7idrz1 wrote

>Humans do take inspiration from others' work...

Ugh. This justification is creaky and useless.

Machines take instructions, and have zero inspiration.

Human artists aren't an endless chain of automated digital art factories producing mountains of art "by_Original_Artist".

One unimaginative guy copycatting another more imaginative artist is not going to be able to flood the market overnight with thousands of images that substantially replace the original media creator.


Centurion902 t1_j7ii94j wrote

This doesn't even mean anything unless you define inspiration.


MisterBadger t1_j7jd47m wrote

Nothing means anything if you're unfamiliar with the commonly understood meaning of words.

The dictionary definition of "inspiration":

>the process of being mentally stimulated to do or feel something, especially to do something creative.

Diffusion models are not, and do not have minds.


Centurion902 t1_j7jqu3d wrote

I see nothing about minds in thay definition.


MisterBadger t1_j7jyejy wrote

Is English a second language for you?

Mentally (adverb) - in a manner relating to the mind.


tsujiku t1_j7kj8y0 wrote

Is a "mind" a blob of flesh or is it the combination of chemical interactions that happen in that blob of flesh.

Could a perfect simulation of those chemical interactions be considered a "mind?"

What about a slightly simplified model?

How far down that path do you have to go before it's no longer considered a "mind?"

You act like there are obvious answers to these questions, but I don't think you would have much luck if you had to get everyone to agree with you.


MisterBadger t1_j7kjls1 wrote

Y'all need to stop stretching definitions of words past the breaking point.

I am not "acting like" anything. I simply understand the vast difference between a human brain and a highly specialized machine learning algorithm.

Diffusion models are not minds and do not have them.

You only need a very basic understanding of machine learning VS human cognition to be aware of this.

AI =|= Actual Intelligence;

Stable Diffusion =|= Sentient Device.