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thrownaway_me t1_jdwkqul wrote

Citation please. I never heard this tale of the Crooker family.


gatsby_101 t1_jdxhbva wrote

Yea, this sounds highly apocryphal – particularly coming from someone who reports having lived in-state for only a couple years. Fun story though.


WWEHlSTORlAN t1_jdxyd42 wrote

Jesus, you still holding on to that crappiest town thing (which was a joke)


ashlyn42 t1_jdydlj2 wrote

Not the comment OP but I actually heard a version of this story (not sure about the drugs or the parents), and one about the little white church on Old Bath Rd about Crooker when he was being honored at an annual Southern MidCoast Maine Chamber event at the Taste of Maine around 2010/2012

Supposedly the church on Old Bath Rd was the church where Crooker met his wife, and when he heard it was being torn down, he bought the building, took it apart and had it rebuilt where it currently stands, so that that memory/place could live on.