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t1_jdepbnv wrote

IDK if calling them will do any good.

Is it possible that you did use that much power? Do you have:

A well? - Could be a leaking pipe causing the pump to run a lot.

An electric hot water heater? -Again leaks would increased use.

Space heaters or heat pump? -I know that you said wood heat.

Hopefully you can get it sorted out.


OP t1_jdepuvo wrote



t1_jdert9o wrote

>That's absurd.

I totally agree.


t1_jdh71q6 wrote

There was a rate increase in January. Oh and CMP is going to the P.U.C. to request yet another rate hike. So their stockholders can get more profits.


t1_jdhe5ym wrote

They've been doing this for decades and get approved for opposite reasons. - raise rates because we didn't generate enough and had to buy... Or raise rates because we generated too much and had to sell at a loss. Stupid.


t1_jderdrq wrote

Get verification on this, but I think CMP raised prices around then or the new year. Shouldn’t have doubled but might explain a portion of the increase.


t1_jdett1c wrote

CMP prices have not increased in three years, but supply prices have shot thru the roof in that time. That is not CMP's fault; they have been out of the supply side since 2000.


t1_jdewkcu wrote

Standard offer went up and supply increased. That’s all I meant.


t1_jdf6w91 wrote

>Standard offer went up and supply increased. That’s all I meant.

You wrongly blamed CMP for standard offer/supply price increases. That is all I meant.


t1_jdfp9rp wrote

Not sure about before that, but in January the standard offer rate went from .09 to .17 per kWh. It literally almost doubled. Our bill has been over $500 a month since.


t1_jdf4lvt wrote

Are you sure if the months that the bill was for? The rates went up significantly in January, as well as CMPs delivery fee. Which offer are you using, standard?


t1_jdf7dgf wrote

>as well as CMPs delivery fee.

CMP's delivery fee has not increased since 2000. The only increases have been on the supply side

CMP is not perfect but people here seem to think it is okay to spread false information and blame them for supply prices they have zero co trol over.

Blame New Brunswick Power and NextEra for standard offer increases. The other electricity supply ripoff artists like Electricity Maine are far too numerous to list here.


t1_jdf8xtl wrote

Do you really not think that CMP also benefits from the rate hikes? They collect more supplier fees when the rates go up. They lobby for more rate hikes every year. Their profits are at a record high. This isn't a not for profit electricity company, although one is going to be on the ballot!


t1_jdfbfhm wrote

Can you tell me how CMP gets money from increased supplier fees? Won’t delivery be the same since it’s based on unit?


t1_jdfdafk wrote

Good question, anybody know if CMP has had increased profits this year? I assume it should be down since it was a milder winter.

That would be a good argument that CMP isn’t making money off of the increases


t1_jdfduz1 wrote

There are other reasons for increased profits. Lower costs from cuts. Capital investments in previous years paying off. Fewer storms. No pandemic. Increased fuel costs meaning poor people are resorting to electric heat more.

Of all the things to hate CMP for, why focus on blaming them for higher supply fees? The more likely story is that all those suppliers need to recoup their anti-corridor campaign funds and cash in before a huge green investment.


t1_jdfen0p wrote

CMP did increase delivery rates on standard offer by 49% in 2023 so that could contribute I would think.


t1_jdfew37 wrote

That they did. Maybe I misread it, but the poster I was responding to said that CMP benefitted from higher supplier rates.


t1_jdff84q wrote

Right, sorry if I sounded aggressive! I wasn’t really targeting you, just wanted to add to that thread.

I just feel like a lot of people are saying cmp isn’t making any money and isn’t the problem at all and I just don’t get where that message is coming from.


t1_jdffef3 wrote

No worries. It sucks since I’m no CMP apologist but I certainly feel like one for suggesting they’re not 100% evil.


t1_jdfj7a4 wrote

>CMP did increase delivery rates on standard offer by 49% in 2023 so that could contribute I would think.

The delivery rates have not changed in 2023. The supply rates did. Please place the blame where it belongs... with the supplier, not CMP


t1_jdfq2yx wrote

Last delivery rate for cmp increased August 2021 (of 11.5%) and they requested a 30% increase last year but were denied. So not for lack of trying.


t1_jdfjftq wrote

>Can you tell me how CMP gets money from increased supplier fees? Won’t delivery be the same since it’s based on unit?

CMP does not get a single nickel from higher supplier fees. Not. One. Nickel. Zero. Zilch. Nada.


t1_jdfe62b wrote

Compare your delivery fee 2021 to now and tell me again the CMP didn't increase their supply rates. take a chill pill and stop yelling.


t1_jdfi375 wrote

I did not yell. However, CMP does not have supply rates. Since 2000, CMP has been out of the electricity supply business. Period. This is a fact.

The increases in supply rates are from another company. CMP is in the unenviable position of being required by law to bill on suppliers' behalf. It is strictly a pass thru.

Again, CMP only delivers power, like a FexEx for electrons. CMP is not allowed to supply power. They get no revenue from the supply portion of your bill. so calling it "their" (CMP) supply rates is inaccurate.


t1_jdg8od9 wrote

So what is the term used for CMP chagrinning customers to deliver the electricity, provide customer service, equipment repairs etc ( I used deliver fee) I understand that cmp does not generate the power and does not sell power, I switch my provider every 6 months or when ever the contract agreement runs out.


t1_jdfmnv3 wrote

Check who your supplier is. I process numerous cmp bills, and some of the suppliers are way MORE expensive than the standard supplier.


t1_jdffgj0 wrote

Look at and compare usages by kw/month. It could be you are using the same amount as in the past, but unfortunately price per kw/hour is through the roof from last year.


t1_jdh561e wrote

Our prices also doubled from November into December. Having electric heat really effed us