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Oniriggers t1_je77j5k wrote

I’m heading to Florida soon, my first outside New England trip since covid. I’m only going because it was a free trip basically, I wouldn’t pay good money to go on my own…


cerebralailment t1_jea9yi0 wrote

You are gonna love it - Florida is great


Tacticalaxel t1_jeahd61 wrote

Florida is a shithole


cerebralailment t1_jeamwhm wrote

Sounds like something a reddit pleb who's never been would say.


Tacticalaxel t1_jeas9wp wrote

Been there recently. Broken cars and tire carcass everywhere, soulless suburbs, concrete, strip malls, and chain restaurants. Disney is the most genuine place in the state. And that's not mentioning the government.


cerebralailment t1_jeauewm wrote

Nice what part did you go to? I was in Jacksonville not long ago, near Orange Park - was nice. Went and hungout in Ormond Beach, also very nice.

"Tire Carcass" and Broken Cars didn't see any of those.


Oniriggers t1_jeaq5p3 wrote

It’s been about 15 years since my last Florida experience but I’m the right demographic so I should be fine….


GuppyGB t1_je7pfik wrote

I thought this was going to be about people's interpretation of how tight and loose objects are, like pickle jar lids and lug nuts.


rdstrmfblynch79 t1_je85sf8 wrote

Hillary and biden "carrying" all the loose states seems incredibly disingenuous when maine actually contributed electoral college votes to trump. Wonder if the author even knows about maine's non-all for 1 system....

I wonder what the north's looseness rating is though because some of the stuff like natural disasters and resources entirely buck the trend of being tight

Also I'm pretty surprised (and almost skeptical) about the dakotas. Plenty of natural resources, didn't think they were susceptible to disaster or environmental stuff not at all densely populated. Are they fat as fuck and dying early or something?


lintymcfresh t1_je87g5h wrote

yes, they’re poorer and in worse shape than we are in the northeast. this is a tremendous mess of “research” either way you put it.


nuevoguero t1_jeacg1h wrote

I mean if New York or California could split their electoral votes they would've contributed a lot more than just one vote for Trump...


ButtStuff-69 t1_jecdkh9 wrote

From the linked study in the article:

tightness (many strongly enforced rules and little tolerance for deviance)


looseness (few strongly enforced rules and greater tolerance for deviance)


SavageNachoMan t1_jef9wuu wrote

So California is the loosest state? And yet one the scientist’s assertions is that loose states will exhibit: lower incidences of disease, lower mortality rates, lower population density and less homelessness?

That doesn’t seem to check out.