Submitted by FrankTheTankOHW t3_y7thbh in Maine
I just wanted to say this subreddit helps remind me of home. I’ve live in Maine my whole life (19 years) until I enlisted in the Marine Corps. I’m currently stationed in California and it’s very different here. I’ve come to appreciate Maine much, much more than before I left. I noticed that in Maine it’s still very down to Earth and people are willing to help each other out, and are much kinder than people here. The scenery and nature are beautiful and all in all I’ve realized Maine really is the way life should be.
fjphil t1_iswja1h wrote
Thank you for your service! Maine will be here for you when you are ready. I've been to California many times, and while there are parts of it that are a total package, no state in the country compares to Maine.