Submitted by t3_xwfp3h in Maine

Love to hear what others think of any of the places below or what you would substitute in or even add categories.

My best of list for NH/VT/ME:

Grinders = Gill's in Rutland, VT

Pizza = Tilton House of Pizza in Tilton, NH

Lobster Rolls = Lobster Shack at Two Lights, Cape Elizabeth, ME

Lobster = Brown's Lobster Pound in Seabrook, NH

BBQ = Ore Nell's on Badger Island Kittery, ME

Bagels = Bagel Central in Bangor, ME

Ambiance = Hen of the Wood in Waterbury, VT

Diner = Wooden Soldier in Fair Haven, VT

Brewery = The Alchemist in Stowe, VT

Coolest Brewery Vibe = Funky Bow in Lyman, ME

Mexican = Cortijo Taqueria in Burlington, VT

Asian = cheating here because eff MA but who doesn't love Kowloon???



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t1_ir6rbpy wrote

Chinese: Ming Lee in Waterville for a sit-down place. For take-out, the Canton Express in Augusta. I've been to the Kowloon, and while their food was good, I didn't think it was as good as either of those two places.

Mexican: Las Palapas in Bangor or Brewer. It's cheap and satisfying, the way Mexican food is meant to be. It's about as close as I've found to what I ate as a teenager when actually went to Mexico some 20+ years ago. El Agave in Augusta isn't too far behind them.

Lobster: Just get it at a Hannaford's seafood counter. They'll steam it for you right there and it'll cost about half of what you'd pay for it at a restaurant. It's not like it'll taste any better at a restaurant. They pretty much all cook it the same way.

Thai: Red Curry in Augsta and Roselyn in Rockland. Rice and Noodle in Belfast is good for takeout, but I don't think they do dine in anymore.

Japanese: Shinbashi in Ellsworth or Green Tea in Bangor. I think they're related, because they both have this "rock shrimp" appetizer that I'm addicted to, and they both make it the same exact way.

Fried Seafood: The Eagle's nest in Brewer. Get the seafood platter. It's like $50, and you'll get three or four meals out of it.

Sandwiches: Big G's in Winslow.

Italians: Damon's in Augusta or Sonny's in Fairfield. Terroni's in Portland has gone out of business unfortunately, but they used to have the best.

Italian food: Marco's Ristorante in Lewiston is one of my favorites. Their marinara sauce is just sooo good.

Pizza: Alexia's in Belfast. Also have had very good pizza from the Milo House of Pizza, but it's been a long time since I've been there.

Diner: The A1 diner in Gardiner. The best burger I ever ate at a restaurant was right there.

Bakery: Hillman's in Fairfield. Also, the Abbott Village Bakery.


t1_ir6hkaw wrote

I disagree with your top brewery assessment. The alchemist is good but it's overrated, and definitely NOT the best VT has to offer. And i think Heady Topper and Focal Banger taste extremely similar 🤫. I would pick Lawson's or Hill Farmstead any day of the week. And Fiddlehead! But I agree that VT microbreweries are better overall than ME microbreweries.


t1_ir6owq1 wrote

I liked Atlantic Brewing Co’s Brewery and Taphouse tour down in Bar Harbor.


t1_ir7osx5 wrote

Oof Funky Bow? Only a cool vibe if you’re into a million kids running around playing in mud puddles in someone’s backyard. I don’t get the hype


t1_ir80cg1 wrote

Go in the late Fall when it's chilly. No kids, fire outside, band inside. Loads of fun.


t1_ir8fzuj wrote

I can only answer about half of these because my digestive system was designed by a moron and I can't eat a lot of stuff, but for what it's worth:

Grinders and Pizza: Village Trading Post in West Minot, ME. Hoping they'll still be as good when they reopen next year.

BBQ: Smokin' Dave's, formerly on Main St in Norway ME, is planning on reopening in a food truck; here's hoping.

Bagels: Been a few years since I was there, but Maple's in Yarmouth ME used to be damn good.

Ambiance: Cafe Nomad, Norway ME. Great place to sit and chill with either a scone and hot chocolate or a sandwich . Stairway Cafe in North Conway, NH.

Diner: Since my sister used to work there, I have to say the A-1 Diner in Gardiner, ME. But I also liked the Peterborough Diner in Peterborough, NH.

Asian: It's been almost twenty years since I've been there, but Tampopo in Porter Square, Cambridge, MA will always be my favorite.


(My mother wants her opinion known: best lobster rolls are either Town Landing Market in Falmouth, ME or Higgins Beach Market in Scarborough, ME.)