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priceless37 t1_itmasp2 wrote

You didn’t ask a geography question, you made an asinine petty comment…….


OmniMegaGiraffe t1_itmsesq wrote

I don't see my comment as petty. I didn't mean for it to be. I'm genuinely sorry you took it that way. I was thinking that there probably wouldn't be a telephone pole in Bangor that could be reasonably worded as "Near Hudson" and was asking if I was wrong. Then you came in with the insults


priceless37 t1_itmwjix wrote

A telephone pole in Hudson is reasonably close to Bangor…..It’s 4 towns away according to you. Where do you think people in Hudson shop? Bangor, not Houlton or Portland. In the state of Maine, 4 towns away is close by. So your comment came off as petty and picky.


OmniMegaGiraffe t1_itmzwwc wrote

I live across the swamp from Hudson and work in Bangor. It's a 30 minute drive. 20 if you take the interstate. I'm aware.

Now, do you want picky? Because I can get picky. People in this area mostly shop in either Orono or Old Town,depending on if they prefer IGA or Hannaford for their daily essentials. There may be a weekly trip to Wal-Mart in Bangor and I'll give you that


priceless37 t1_itn18jo wrote

So according to you they shop in Bangor once a week….. that would be shopping in Bangor. If you work in Bangor, good chance you shop in Bangor. There are no big box stores or malls in old town or Orono…. So they shop in Bangor. Keep being petty, you are proving my point