
priceless37 t1_j8egfge wrote

Reply to comment by awkwardlazer in Dogs in grocery stores. by Norgyort

It’s okay to break the law and endanger other people because they want to bring their dog to a place they don’t belong ??? A lemonade stand is hurting no on….. untrained dogs in a food establishment because a person can’t adult??? Big difference


priceless37 t1_j8eg2uj wrote

They aren’t too embarrassed to break the law and draw attention with their not needed dog……if they can’t go to the grocery store without a support animal they can do online shopping. They don’t need to infringe on other peoples rights…. Like people who are afraid of dogs. Such entitlement because they can’t adult. Wahhh


priceless37 t1_j8efhq9 wrote

It is disgusting but the people who bring their pets to stores with them are just looking for attention. It’s a certain type of personality who does it. I’m my opinion they are usually trashy people who have nothing else so they look for attention from people oohing over their dog. I feel sorry for those selfish people that they care so little about anyone else and their needs….. it’s all about them. I find them pathetic honestly.


priceless37 t1_iy50ndv wrote

Reply to Classy by ghtrxbjkf

The eagle flag window decal is more offensive…….I find people who claim to be patriots are often truly fascists.


priceless37 t1_itn18jo wrote

So according to you they shop in Bangor once a week….. that would be shopping in Bangor. If you work in Bangor, good chance you shop in Bangor. There are no big box stores or malls in old town or Orono…. So they shop in Bangor. Keep being petty, you are proving my point


priceless37 t1_itmwjix wrote

A telephone pole in Hudson is reasonably close to Bangor…..It’s 4 towns away according to you. Where do you think people in Hudson shop? Bangor, not Houlton or Portland. In the state of Maine, 4 towns away is close by. So your comment came off as petty and picky.


priceless37 t1_isvzu08 wrote

Reply to comment by [deleted] in Stop The Corruption by sillychillly

Wow that first conspiracy tells me everything I need to know, check out reality sometime. Unfortunately republicans keep voting against mental health help because they want to keep their sheep compliant. Good boy.


priceless37 t1_isvqxsb wrote

Reply to comment by [deleted] in Stop The Corruption by sillychillly

Republicans planning to cut social security and Medicare aren’t endearing them to their largest voting block, old people…… since Maine has so many old people how come we have a democratic governor and representatives? I don’t think trump and the right has the support you think it does. Early voting in Georgia is encouraging for the blue.


priceless37 t1_isvlf6d wrote

Reply to comment by [deleted] in Stop The Corruption by sillychillly

We have tried to get along. Democrats try to compromise but republicans are not willing to do that. 76 million people…. Many died due to Covid and drinking their own piss as a cure, others have realized what a criminal trump actually is. We still have the stupid, but the republicans have also pissed off woman and men who have a conscience so their numbers are waning.

Good luck. Maine will have mills, and golden representing us.


priceless37 t1_isvirnx wrote

Reply to comment by [deleted] in Stop The Corruption by sillychillly

LOL. Both of those dudes are criminals…. Why do republicans like to vote for criminals? Telling, very telling.

Anyone who still supports trump should seriously consider mental health care . To deny the facts at this point is denying reality…… mental health care is needed. Hell trumpers drank their own piss to stop Covid. Mental health care is needed…….


priceless37 t1_isvdmt9 wrote

Reply to comment by [deleted] in Stop The Corruption by sillychillly

Most states have sone form of legal. It’s only a matter of people trying to help the Economy vs republicans trying to stymie anything productive that will help inflation. States with legal marijuana are raking in the tax money. Property tax is a local tax not federal. Lepage wants to have towns raise property taxes by getting rid of the income tax. You don’t seem to understand how our tax system works…….democrats would fix the tax cuts republicans like trump made for himself and his rich friends.

I see rich democrats like gates, Cuban and soros saying that they should pay more taxes. Reality vs republican propaganda