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t1_isullqc wrote

Good luck, and while you’re at it, take their sweetheart health insurance away from them and give them some plan with a $1000 deductible and a crazy high co-pay for expensive meds like the rest of us


t1_isv8e0f wrote

Or just put these people in jail. Seriously. They have legitimately fucked people over for their own benefit. This may be shocking for some but our government is corrupt as the day is long. Term limits. We need them.


t1_isx3ynz wrote

$1000 deductible? Mine’s $6,000 for me, $6,000 for my wife, but don’t worry, the plan only costs us $1,000/month…

The joy if self employment. This is how the system breeds compliant employees instead of independent people.


t1_isx4htd wrote

What makes you think it's a sweetheart health insurance?

They pay the same 28% cost share for health care that all other federal employees do. (Although they do have access to an on-site medical clinic, and use of DC area DOD Medical Treatment Facilities.)