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tonyforeman t1_iw7l2zb wrote

Reply to comment by ScarletFire21 in Salary in So. Maine by [deleted]

Same rules


AssumptionLivid6879 t1_iw7pk1m wrote

Wrong. This is why people are underpaid; talk about salary with the people you work with (that you trust), your manager, and your friends.

People that underpaid are either taken advantage of or don’t have talent. If people can bark up the tree to ask for more money, they need to be able to handle the truth on why they’re not making more money.


DidDunMegasploded t1_iw8krm9 wrote

> (that you trust)

highlights in underline with Sharpie furiously and then points

I was raised to never talk about how much I have or how much I make with anyone, especially in these times with inflation. People can and will fuck you over, especially if you make a lot.

But I digress. Just thought I would throw that out there.


Garrick420 t1_iw7tza7 wrote

Not talking about it openly just helps employers keep peoples wages down.