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Baymavision t1_iw81v1p wrote

If you've got some sort of savings/investments (IRA/401k type thing), then I'd say you're well ahead of the curve.


ScarletFire21 t1_iw82f7a wrote

I have a years salary in a brokerage account and 10k in a 401k


Baymavision t1_iw82m19 wrote

Damn, keep it up! Sounds to me like you've got your shit together!


ScarletFire21 t1_iw82y8s wrote

Ok thank you. Like I said, most days I feel like I’m fine and then I’ll run into some dude who is spewing off about money and his salary and in my head I’m like “ugh. This guy is doing better”. Which is something I need to avoid like everyone is saying


squirrels_rootbeer t1_iw8gbgf wrote

I’m 44 and that kind of talk has been going on since I graduated college in the late 90s. A lot of them also lost their ass in the recession and the fall of Enron (from Houston originally). Sounds like you’re doing great. I know plenty of 60 somethings that don’t have a penny saved for retirement.


Alternative_Sort_404 t1_iw8ellt wrote

Keep saving no matter what you do… I just left a pretty good paying job that was driving me nuts (middle-management hell).
The only reason I can afford to do this AND take a little time to find a new job is because I bought a duplex house (years ago) and rent on the other unit basically pays the mortgage… so I’ve been able to save. It’s worth considering if you’re planning on sticking around. Maybe a little farther from Portland? The house isn’t best location, neighborhood… but it was affordable - the key to any purchase ever.