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IamSauerKraut t1_iwqfbm0 wrote

Seems MeDOT is in a flirty mood this morn.


In_betweener t1_iwqq33n wrote

I'm tempted to also complain....just because I could use some positive affirmation.


[deleted] t1_iwqba2l wrote

Take that, Peasanty! -MaineDOT probably.


[deleted] t1_iwrxijm wrote

Jumping on the top comment; I work for an area fire department.

At 5:30 this morning there was a car accident reported at mile 17 southbound. Vehicle rollover, with injury and entrapment.

While Yarmouth Fire and Police were responding and looking for the rolled over vehicle, they came across another multi-vehicle crash in the northbound lane.

Given the area of both crashes, on the 295 / Rt 1 overpass, where the road goes over and around a blind curve, and the black ice that was causing the accidents, the Yarmouth PD requested that DOT shut the interstate down between 15 and 20 so they could safely clear the crashes.

At 7:00 there was another crash reported on the interstate, southbound, mile 16.

And at 7:30 there was another multi- vehicle crash reported at Mile 17 northbound.

All that to say, sorry your morning commute was disrupted for this one morning, but respectfully go pound sand.


FlamingPeasant OP t1_iws6urh wrote

Totally understand this. I was worried it was a bad accident until I got up to the construction work happening. I know there were accidents on 295 but I don't believe they contributed to this backup. I hit it at about 8:15am. If they did, I'll be over here pounding this sand.


rmm207 t1_iwshmib wrote

You are conveniently close to the Desert of Maine, that is if you’re looking for sand to pound. As someone who’s pounded many sands in my life, Desert of Maine sand was very nice sand to pound.


Schodog t1_iwsv4zh wrote

Have you ever tried pounding Hawaiian Black Sand?


RealMainer t1_iwujx9e wrote

We need to ban people from having accidents.

No more accidents! Vote for me!


ozzie286 t1_iwuwy9v wrote

That ain't fair. Just because unavoidable things happen, people can't complain about totally avoidable things happening? No.


WalkerBRiley t1_ix9ov9q wrote

It's a joke playing into the joke from the post from an old webtoon called Homestar Runner. You obviously didn't get it. Half a second of research would have shown you your entire rant was unwarranted. Go pound sand yourself.


[deleted] t1_iwqok2q wrote



RedWolf423 t1_iwrcf3p wrote

I have been friends with the DOT worker who responded to this complaint since the early 2000s. Homestar was a big hit at our middle school and we played a ton of Peasant Quest together back in the day.


1stepklosr t1_iwqhev2 wrote

I work right by this construction. It's been fucking AWFUL. The crew has also fucked up directing traffic a few times.


ptntprty t1_iwrpv4f wrote

Thanks for your feedback. Well aren’t you just a tall glass of water? ;)


rothael t1_iwsvt2t wrote

I think Freeport and Waterville ought to have a battle over annoying construction.


FITM-K t1_iwqm3uw wrote

What are they even doing? Looks kinda like adding an extra lane but there's a giant fucking pole in the middle of it...

Anyway, I agree with the original tweet. IDK WTF they were thinking but damn, how hard is it to set up a detour or something?


FlamingPeasant OP t1_iwqosq4 wrote

Right? They put no thought or effort into the consequences. I don't mind putting up with traffic for construction, but stupidity is another matter.


Unlikely-String9635 t1_iws9imm wrote

They’re gearing up to replace the bridge, same as exit 20. It’s going to be a years long project so buckle up!


FITM-K t1_iwscgoc wrote

Oh god kill me now. Maybe they'll at least put a light in? Turning left out of that southbound exit ramp is rough when there's enough traffic.


tehmightyengineer t1_iwqsl7n wrote

MaineDOT does good work; I briefly reviewed the plans for this job and they had details for traffic control plans so I presume there wasn't any planned shutdowns; especially not during rush hour. But traffic control is the pervue of the general contractor and is only approved by MaineDOT and not their responsibility. It could just be that traffic got backed up due to the lane closures and they didn't actually shut anything down.

The general contractor awarded the project was listed as McNamee Construction Corp. of Lincolndale, NY. Never worked with them so no idea how good they are.


FlamingPeasant OP t1_iwr40d3 wrote

According to Maine DOTs twitter response to me they missed a requirement forbidding shutting that intersection down to one lane during the day. Pretty big miss.


tehmightyengineer t1_iwr65gn wrote

Nice. Yeah, shit happens; surprised the DOT on-site inspector didn't catch that but things happen. Glad they had such a proactive response. Thanks for letting them know.


FITM-K t1_iwqwpdg wrote

I'm pretty sure they shut the road down completely. For a long time traffic wasn't moving at all.


RatherNerdy t1_iwqxvaj wrote

Complete opposite of peasant burnination - peasant adolation?


J0N3K4T t1_iwqtqug wrote

What an absolute shit-show this morning! These fops turned a 2 minute drive to exit 22 into an hour long hellfest!


Lieutenant_Joe t1_iwqb1ag wrote

Is that your real name? And if so, why are you posting it here?


FlamingPeasant OP t1_iwqdkmg wrote

It's on my Twitter, so *shrug*. Can't seem to edit the post to update the image for whatever that's worth.


appleshit8 t1_iwqfxc0 wrote



FlamingPeasant OP t1_iwqg8yx wrote

Curse you appleshit, I thought you had shat your last apple!


[deleted] t1_iwr17vm wrote



Lieutenant_Joe t1_iwr57w7 wrote

It matters because it’s generally a bad idea to put your real name on reddit


pzahn92 t1_iwslext wrote

We do it on most other social medias along with where we work, pictures of ourselves/family, and shit like that. It's not like OP has pics of his asshole in r4r pages and just doxed himself. ::rushes to check OP's post history::


whm1971 t1_iwqc3s3 wrote

That's hilarious... 😆 🤣


EasternMaine t1_iwr3ksr wrote

I don't understand why more road work isn't just done at night. I think most of the workers would actually prefer 8:00 pm to 5:00 am shifts after factoring in not spending their summers baking on pavement. In the winter it would be cold but unlike summer you can just wear more layers.


kjimdandy t1_iwr7v1s wrote

Allegedly a 6 car pileup here too, doesn’t make matters any more helpful


dust1ng0ff t1_iwr9tee wrote

Yeah government incompetence is super fun and cute roflz


Gold_top_junky t1_iws3ffi wrote

Do you know if that is in fact MaineDOT and not another blue checked account? 😂


Ok-County3742 t1_iwryhm2 wrote

OP lost me at no notification. I see notification for stuff like this constantly on their official social media channels and I don't even follow them or live in that area.

I would literally bet that "no notification" translates more accurately into, "I didn't pay any attention, thus missed several notifications over a months long period."


LegitimateAbalone267 t1_iwsa9zq wrote

Is that why it was backed up on 295? There was a fender bender northbound that I thought caused the mess.


catzcatz t1_iwsx84v wrote

Rather Dashing? More like Rather Homely


silverballhoops t1_iwt0lk5 wrote

Maine DOT social media game is pretty good. I follow on IG and it's been pretty informative and witty.


20thMaine t1_ix3fzpq wrote

I mean I get DOT fucked up but… people sat there for two fucking hours instead of just driving around to one of the 2 other bridges that cross I-295 in Freeport??

Plus there’s Durham RD in Brunswick and theres the option to go down to yarmouth too. Please tell me it would not have taken 2 hours to try one of those…

There’s mallet drive, desert road, and old county road and they’re all only a couple miles apart at most.


LobsterMan101 t1_iwrgy17 wrote

I hate MaineDot even more for that AI computer response
