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t1_iyasmi6 wrote

I just had the urge to make tamales today. Do you have a good recipe?


t1_iyavebr wrote

πŸ‘πŸ½DONDE πŸ‘πŸ½ ESTAN πŸ‘πŸ½ ESOS πŸ‘πŸ½ TAMALES!


t1_iyaxdu8 wrote

I'm in salt lake, I can go pick you some up in the Walmart parking lot. $1 for a ziplock bag of 4


t1_iyayhx7 wrote

Nice. I'm still trying to find frozen empanada shells in the grocery store and have given up hope. Looks like I need to find an empanada guy


t1_iyb0qzk wrote

It's a tamale. Masa steamed in a corn husk. Usually has cheese or meat inside the masa. You unwrap to eat it. Here in LA (Los Angeles, not Lewiston Auburn - I grew up in Maine, it's not weird that I lurk this sub I swear) you can find the best ones being sold from the trunk of an old ladies car in a parking lot.


t1_iyb483x wrote

I saw both beef and chicken tamales in Hanniford (close to the packaged cold cuts) and almost fell over.


t1_iyb6o1k wrote

I've heard there's a lady who sets up in the Harbor Hospital parking lot in Torrance. There's also a guy who sells from various spots in Highland Park on the weekends. There's also apparently a woman who sells them outside the petco in van nuys that's been doing it forever, not sure if she's still there though.

Edit: these are only the ones I know about, there's probably way way more, not to mention any mexican restaurant in southern california.


t1_iyb8h48 wrote

From TX, can confirm good tamales can be bought from old ladies in parking lots. My hookup was usually the grandmother of a lady at my dad’s office. It feels like a drug deal; you have to know someone who knows someone because the ones at the grocery store are trash.


t1_iybd1xz wrote

Before we moved to Maine we lived in Avalon, Santa Catalina Island for a few years. The town has had a history of hispanics living there year round from the earliest days when the Wriggleys first built the town.

My wife worked for the owner of a string of 3 restaurants there which naturally employed quite a few hispanics. Some old time island families, some newcomers trying to get a leg up and some recent arrivals from Mexico just passing through. As the payroll clerk, she got to know and became friendly with nearly all of them. Especially in the off season when the town population drained from 10K to about 2K.

We learned she had been accepted, or at least appreciated by some of them our first Christmas on the island when she would frequently find a box of fresh home made tamales on the seat of her golf cart after work, sometimes with a note, others totally anon.

The last few days before Christmas we could pretty much count on some cute young kids knocking on our door with a bag of fresh tamales, giggling and saying Feliz Navidad nearly every day.

They were amazingly good but OMG, so rich and filling. We've never had any that good since moving off the island and really miss them, but by the second Christmas we had to start giving them to other Anglo friends.

Man, nor woman, can not live by tamales alone. Try as we might!


t1_iyccsqf wrote

Okay so where the fuck can I buy tamales? I got them in PA for the first time a few years back and they were enormous bought them out of a blue cooler for a couple bucks each. I've never found them like that again.


t1_iycjj8q wrote

Can confirm even in Oregon. When I lived out there for school there was an old lady and old man that would walk through my neighborhood every Sunday with their dog, yelling, β€œHot Tamales!”

When their wagon cooler was empty, they’d go refill out of their car. But damn were those the best tamales. I genuinely miss tamales sometimes.


t1_iycrqww wrote

Tamales are good and all, but speaking as a Nicaraguan(who just moved to the area), Nacatamales and yoltamales are my FAVORITE!! Nacatamales- have masa and a big chunk of pork with a tomato, little onion, and sometimes a prune. Wrapped in a Banana Leaf. Yoltamal - made of sweet corn and it's also wrapped in a corn husk. Simple and sweet and served with cheese!

The closest Nicaraguan restaurant is like HOURS away.... sigh


t1_iycutdd wrote

I used to get wicked good Mexican food at the Bangor farmer’s market by the fairgrounds. That was a few years back though - if they still do it Saturday mornings, it’s worth checking out!


t1_iyd15bv wrote

Wish someone would sell them around here. I did some maintenance work at Cozy Harbor in Portland and there was a lady there who would bring me a mountain of them for $10.


t1_iyd1u3o wrote

Tamales & Elotes, with a Sugar cane coke, seriously the best meal I think ive ever had.


t1_iyd4ny1 wrote

My moms side is Costa Rican and we make very similar tamales. They usually have masa, some veg, raisins, chickpeas, plus meat wrapped in a banana leaf. Luckily I also have a tΓ­a that is Mexican so we have a nice variety around Christmas time.


t1_iydv72p wrote

Surreal to see tamales celebrated on a Maine thread. I'm a natural born Mainer living in New Mexico.


t1_iyfe1iu wrote

wow i would have never thought this many people in Maine want tamales.

Talked about it with what wife before but maybe i need to start a tamale business