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Anonymush_guest t1_ivoi9ic wrote

Enjoy the three months of peace before the electioneering for 2024 begins its ramp-up.


Adventurous_Deer t1_ivojllz wrote

I love your optimism that people will take their political signs down now. Ive got one guy up the street who has only been adding to his collection since 2020


FITM-K t1_ivol6m2 wrote

IDK, maybe I'm just watching less TV, but I thought this year was way better than 2020 with the Gideon/Collins ads everywhere 24/7.


bulgarianjuice t1_ivopf25 wrote

We’re back to Skyrizi ads, folks!

Nothing is everythiiiiinng!


dedoubt t1_ivops16 wrote

YouTube premium is totally worth it. We have the family plan, 6 accounts total, just went from $18 to $25 and I still think it's worth it. YouTube Music is the best music streaming platform I've found, the algorithms are on point, and NO ADS on YouTube.


LumpyBumpyToad t1_ivosv7g wrote

I'm grateful I don't have to hear "I was homeless when I was younger so I grew up to be a heartless, lying, racist piece of tax-fraud shit" for another few years... unless, of course, someone decides to fuck off to Florida for good this time.


Ok-Profile-7334 t1_ivotpjf wrote

Now we can focus on the extremely enlightening medicare ads


FITM-K t1_ivotrl8 wrote

It's possible, but I think there was a lot less out-of-state money pouring in for the governor's race than there was for a potentially senate-deciding seat in the Gideon/Collins race.

Like, in 2020, that was every single ad I saw on Youtube starting from about June. This year, I've seen a few YT ads for LePage and Mills but they're mixed in with the other regular stuff.


Norgyort t1_ivouu8i wrote

It's gotten more and more ridiculous the last few years it seems. I think all the non-Maine money just goes to commercials and mail fliers. The last few weeks I'd watch a video and at least half of the commercials would be political, often times more. I've also had at least two political fliers in my mailbox the last few weeks, often times more. Such a waste.


ZeekLTK t1_ivov5y7 wrote

I still got an ad for the candidate that lost my local State House race this morning on Youtube. lol


In_betweener t1_ivovnn9 wrote

I'm back to all the overly sexual, not real game play, zombie survival games.


DidDunMegasploded t1_ivox22o wrote

Aww man...I can't laugh at the name "Citizens for Sanity" anymore. That's a pity. I'll have to keep that name in mind if I ever get called a crackpot in r/Maine. "No, no, you got me all wrong, I'm a citizen of sanity!"

Still, at least I can stop hearing "[We/Maine] can't go back to Paul LePage" ten million times a day.


Bywater t1_ivozhyw wrote

They put like 800 million into this midterm, 24 going to be snowing in ads and flyers...


whatever-it-B t1_ivp0joj wrote

I just threw away what will hopefully be the last political flyer in my mailbox for a while


nochedetoro t1_ivp1mls wrote

I am still getting text messages for lepage this morning. Like bro even if this text somehow swayed my opinion I can’t do anything about it at this point


[deleted] t1_ivp6kbv wrote

You may be watching less TV, or you might be blocking it all out? I do a lot more DVR than I used to, and I use ad blockers on my phone. Political ads aren’t really an issue for me anymore.


[deleted] t1_ivpefdd wrote

I sure will miss those 2am texts telling me Mills wants kids to watch porn and do meth /s


Vormison t1_ivpie6h wrote

You’re lucky. I watch virtually no live tv but it was unbearable this year. The worst ever for me.

Every website, every YouTube video, so many Reddit ads - all political garbage.

I wish someone would do a study and see how many people have EVER changed their mind due to a political ad. Maybe it’s been done and I am too lazy to find it.


sweetest-heart t1_ivpilow wrote

I have been getting so many damn flyers in the mail. I have had mail every single day for the past month and a half and maybe twice a week I would get something that isn’t political junk mail.


pm_me_ur_cutie_booty t1_ivpjyge wrote

I pay extra to Hulu and use uBlock Origin on my computer to avoid as much advertising as I can. It's not perfect, but political season has been much easier since I started.

I know it's not an option for everyone, but it made my life a lot less stressful.


FITM-K t1_ivpn4u0 wrote

> I wish someone would do a study and see how many people have EVER changed their mind due to a political ad. Maybe it’s been done and I am too lazy to find it.

I think they're mostly meant for undecided voters. I don't know about TV ads specifically, but I know that in general, the candidate who spends more usually does win.

That said, I know what you mean. In 2020 I voted for Gideon but by the time the election came around I kind of hated BOTH of them because I'd been subjected to 500 billion dumb attack ads. I bet that the ad deluge turns some people off enough that they end up not voting. I don't know if there are studies on that though, just my hunch.


DrunkenSnorlax t1_ivpnwkd wrote

Finally. Leave my damn mail box alone while you're at it.


barnes1236 t1_ivpnzz4 wrote

Although I agree with a lot of what Lepage was wanting to change, his attitude is obnoxious. Him attacking Mills when he knew he lost was unprofessional. You would think a person running for any office would be classy enough to accept defeat and congratulate their opponent. But you sir, and many like you on both sides, have the same shitty mud slinging attitude. It would be nice to not hear any of it since this is all wrapping up. But it will never go away. People must find it easier to hate.


BurningPage t1_ivpp2bg wrote

I saw many gleeful Mainers taking down their signs this morning.


mtrash t1_ivpqfd4 wrote

I left maine last November after a glorious 5 years i. The western woods. (I miss it everyday) we moved back to Texas and i got political ads texted to my phone from Maine! Boy were they fear mongering hard.


Lieutenant_Joe t1_ivpquob wrote

You’re really criticizing us for being shitty to a dude who threatened to punch a journalist? Fuck off with your sanctimonious “high road” bs. Your vote indicates you want a hand in other people’s love lives and bodily autonomy, so you don’t get to pretend we’re the real assholes.


wkomorow t1_ivprsgb wrote

Get ready for the Medicare Advantage ads to start populating the airwaves. If I hear Jimmy Walker say "m o n e y back into your check each month" I will scream. Thank God for the mute button.


J0N3K4T t1_ivpsuoe wrote

There's nothing like the blissful peace of mind I had when the Sara Gideon ads stopped.


barnes1236 t1_ivpu8ih wrote

My vote doesn’t mean that at all. I am very pro choice and don’t believe anyone has the right to outlaw what a person does with their own body. It’s the attitude that everyone has towards someone else on the other side. I was simple pointing out his attitude seems to be the same as the one he was criticizing.


Lieutenant_Joe t1_ivpvfrx wrote

The people you voted for aren’t pro-choice. Therefore, what you personally believe does not matter. The Maine GOP’s official position this year on abortion was that it should be banned, and they directly stated in their platform statement that they believe marriage is between a man and a woman. Regardless of what you believe, the people you voted for do believe that, and you tried to put them in a position where they can act on those beliefs because your priorities lie elsewhere. You may as well just be pro-life; for the purposes of an election, the result is the same.


DeloreanFanatic t1_ivpx7av wrote

Not a single effing text from anyone today! Sweet bliss!


MainelyKahnt t1_ivq46ok wrote

I'm just glad I don't have to hear anymore ads on the radio during my drive to work. Like most millennials I don't have cable and recently was able to afford the ad free versions of all my streaming services so the last bastion of unbearable political ads was the radio. Once I heard that garbage ad Paul lepage ran on the radio 3 times on my 20 minute commute.


FITM-K t1_ivqaamu wrote

Podcasts my friend. (I too do not have cable, but I see ads on Youtube when I watch it on our TV, because there's no way that I know of to install an ad-blocker on a Playstation. Someday!)


X5acob t1_ivqf1q5 wrote

Thank God we're not in Georgia! Another 4 weeks for them.


riefpirate t1_ivqoy1d wrote

We definitely need laws to restrict the constant barrage I went months not watching local stations.


SeelieForest t1_ivsxv75 wrote

I'm shocked.... people still watch TV??? I haven't had that for almost a decade now haha.