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MathematicianGlum880 t1_ixcjta3 wrote

Back in 2013, my husband and I drove around the back road of West Virginia on a motor cycle, I have never in my life seen such poverty. Blankets hanging where windows should be, and people were actually living there. The poverty in that state is much worse than Maine. When we visited my husbands friend, he told us to park our bike in a friends barn, as there would be nothing left of it the next day. Moonshine everywhere and every kind imaginable. And because our RV was older than dirt, we had to stay in derelict campgrounds. The campground in Indiana was riddled with sex offenders and domestic violence offenders. I never in my life felt so unsafe. It’s not just Maine, trust me. I took a statistics course in the 90’s at USM and most statistics are skewed. You find what you are looking for.
