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Derstilweedndat t1_j1r71ic wrote

>All rate hikes must be first requested by CMP and/or Versant

Not on the supply side, they don't request those hikes because they don't get the money


[deleted] t1_j1rsa5y wrote



Weird-Tomorrow-9829 t1_j1s9fq9 wrote

I don’t think people understand how much of NEPOOL is gas generation. Or in periods of high demand: more expensive oil.


stootboot t1_j1scv25 wrote

Mainers voted down the influx of existing Canadian hydro when we killed the corridor. Was a huge amount of power available to the regional grid that all current producers would have to compete with.


6byfour t1_j1sdict wrote

Yup. And NH before them, driven primarily by people who don’t have to live with the consequences.


KermitThrush t1_j1ussn3 wrote

None of the energy from the proposed power cord or will ever go to Maine

It’s all intended to be sold to Massachusetts

Your point is a false corporate talking point


stootboot t1_j1w8vw4 wrote

I didn’t assert any energy would be going to Maine.

The energy the hydro offsets on the grid becomes increased supply for the grid. This increased supply can offset along the grid and then bring along a lowering of cost as the remaining producers compete for share.

Primary funding against the corridor was the current energy providers, including NextEra. Corporation’s benefited with either decision for or against the corridor.


hike_me t1_j203jde wrote

Recent supply price increases are due to natural gas supply constraints and demand induced natural gas price increases. Offsetting natural gas power in Massachusetts would help supply prices for the entire New England region.


Ok_W0W t1_j1v07xr wrote

No they don’t, not in the supply side. It’s the state run standard offer.