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IceZOMBIES t1_j2apdt5 wrote

Pros: Some may disagree with this, or say they've never felt the same, and that's okay. But for me personally, being a small state gives a strong sense of community and of home. It's something I never realized until I first left Maine, but it's certainly there, well, for me at least. Another thing is that there's not a lot of people, and if I want to be around more I can head down to Portland or Boston for the day. With fewer people there's more nature, and I love being around nature. It makes driving much more enjoyable.

Cons: There's not a lot of people, and as a young gay dude, having very few options really fucking sucks. Along with that, there's not many options for pursuing a career in Maine after obtaining a degree. Sure, there's a few places here and there, but for the majority of young people, whether or not we want to, we have to look beyond Maine for potential careers.


LockedOutOfElfland OP t1_j2aueuh wrote

Would you say the prevalence of work from home has at least somewhat made for more opportunities in terms of careers in the state?