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Born_in_Maine t1_j19w1qo wrote

Thats not a boy, its a dog.


raynedanser t1_j1afk63 wrote

I wonder if you realize that you aren't cool or edgey when you comment in a dog-positive post with your anti-dog rhetoric? You'd have been much better off just scrolling and moving on, your poor thing.


Born_in_Maine t1_j1bjeg1 wrote

When I clicked on this post I expected to see a human child (a boy) carrying a small piece of wood. This post is mistitled.


DidDunMegasploded t1_j1bvy15 wrote

You might not know this, so let me let you in on a piece of insider info that's top-secret, people hate that I know this but I feel nice today:

People call pets their "boys" and their "girls" all the time. The post isn't mistitled at all.


Born_in_Maine t1_j1eeggv wrote

"People call pets their "boys" and their "girls" all the time."

Sounds terrible. Must be a leftover effect of leaded paint and gasoline.


DidDunMegasploded t1_j1f7gvi wrote

Nah, it's a leftover effect of love, kindness, and appreciation for dogs.


raynedanser t1_j1d3fjj wrote

It's really not. The quotation marks should have been a REALLY good hint. And either way, so what?