Submitted by t3_zz3jhr in Maine

It can’t just be me about ready to blow a gasket with business’s not being able to assist you without a prescheduled appointment?

Will showrooms and store fronts ever open back up again?

Not everything should have to be scheduled. Customer service business’s should be able to provide customer service without scheduling an appointment to look at merchandise, right?

I’m over this by appointment only crap.



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t1_j29abnq wrote

What businesses are you talking about? I have not run into this problem at all.


t1_j2bgszd wrote

Yeah, same. Where is this the case? I've been walking in everywhere for like a year now with no need to pre-schedule.


t1_j2af5ti wrote

A lot of people got burned by customer service and food industry jobs - idiots attacking them over mask mandates that they had no control over didn’t help. I personally know several people who were bartenders and servers who left to work 9-5 jobs to get away from the abuse. If people are treated like subhumans in their job, they are going to find alternatives which is exactly where we are at this point.


t1_j29dud2 wrote

I prefer appointments so I’m ok with the status quo


t1_j2985jl wrote

Depends on the industry.

You know many businesses are still short staffed, right?


t1_j2b5g51 wrote

Short answer? No. What WAS normal then is no longer normal now. This is normal.

Long answer? You should probably should learn to relax a bit & not blow that gasket, cause things aren't likely to change. Folks aren't willing to work customer service anymore because people got out of pocket too often. Folks just aren't willing to put up with it. So yeah, get used to appointments. An appointment makes better sense anyway, because with an appointment, you know you'll be seen at least fairly close to your time & not wait around all day. It also means that the salesmen (because you're obviously talking about retail sales of furniture, appliances, or the like) won't have anything else pulling them away from you. Their time will be devoted to you and your needs.


t1_j29mi1u wrote

Sometimes we get used to a thing and think just because it's what we're used to, that's the way it's always going to be. It mostly isn't.


t1_j2agj6o wrote

Exactly what kind of product/service wrte you seeking? I have always booked appointments for health care, car service, and haircuts, plus reservations at high-end dining establishments. Other stuff, I've had no problem with coming in w/o appt.


OP t1_j2b2me3 wrote

Todays particular headache was attempting to get some embroidery done on some sweatshirts. I had the sweatshirts, I had some free time at the end of the week, and I had money to spend. I called 3 business’s that didn’t answer their phones despite Google and websites claiming they were open, and then I drove by 2 more and swung in to find open by appointment only signs taped next to their business hours signs, claiming that they were open.

I finally found someone who was open, I placed my order and told him I was so happy someone decided they wanted to work. He also said he’s picked up more business this year because other places were backlogged or had similar problems to what I was experiencing. It’s working for him, but he doesn’t know what their issues are.

I was glad to give a business who was open and inviting to customers some business.


t1_j2c430i wrote

>told him I was so happy someone decided they wanted to work

It isn't that nobody else wants to work, they are just so busy that they are going by appointment only. They're still working.

With the entitled attitude you have, it is probably a good thing that those business are dodging you. You aren't the most important person in the world. If a business is so busy that they need to go to appointments only, then get an appointment like everyone else. You aren't special.


OP t1_j2cc19p wrote

Yea… based on my experience today, everything you just stated was a waste of your time to write and mine to read.

As I’ve already stated, when I did find a business that was open during their normal business hours, they have picked up more business due to others lack of availability. “By appointment only” isn’t available, it’s hoops no one wants to jump through except a noisy few who enjoy ignorance and inconvenience.


t1_j2cnzvn wrote

Just because a store is appointment only does not mean they aren't open during their normal business hours. A doctor's office has normal business hours, but most medical practices don't let you just walk in and see a doctor without an appointment.

I'm also not sure how requiring an appointment equates to ignorance. Who are all these noisy people demanding that everything is appointment only? I'm not even sure what the problem is. You found someone who did the work you wanted without an appointment, right? Problem solved.


t1_j2bh6t7 wrote

> I had some free time at the end of the week

So you "decided you didn't want to work"?


OP t1_j2bigyc wrote

When the boss said to go home we’re done for the week, I went home. I’ve got more than enough other “work” to be doing.


t1_j2bjw4i wrote

So no one else is allowed to go home but you?


OP t1_j2bsw0a wrote

Last I checked I didn’t have publicly posted business hours.

What’s the matter with you, a little crabby your meany of a boss make you work your whole 4 hour shift today?


t1_j2b5kww wrote

So your complaint really had nothing to do with your problem then.


OP t1_j2bgcxh wrote

We’ll the original 5 business’s were a lot more conveniently located.

And it absolutely did. Open your store. Be at your place of business at take my money. If you have business hours, practice them; don’t post them and then slap a by appointment only sign.


t1_j2dhy8h wrote

Probably a shitty embroidery shop, that's why they are force to pick up the garbage costumers the other shops don't have the need to deal with. Just by your recollection you have to go through a list of businesses before even getting to the one that served you. That says a lot of i had to go down to my fith choice of something it either means i should probably have some patience and call a few time or hold off on doing it till later. But it seems your have some heavy narcissistic tendencies so this will go over your head.


t1_j2b7cfj wrote

Out of all the insane things going on in the world this is probably at the bottom of my list of things anyone should care about


t1_j29ilxk wrote

Labor is a huge issue still. I don’t see that getting solved anytime soon.


t1_j29r76h wrote

You increase your chance of actually being served by making an appointment. People are busy and everyone else wants to do the same thing you do.


t1_j29fq4l wrote

I think many companies got comfortable with this "new normal" and now will refuse to go back unless the free market makes them.

It'll be state by state in my opinion


t1_j29y8ge wrote

Appointments are far easier for me because instead of just showing up and waiting.


t1_j2ajh4a wrote

I feel like the only place I have seen anything sticking around is veterinary practices.

I assumed that's because they don't really like humans so it's all a great excuse to keep the humans out while they take care of the pets.


t1_j29wly8 wrote

This must be a "shops local businesses" thing because I've never had this issue.

At best, the only thing that comes to mind is animal shelters.

But also...we're in a tripledemic right now. Shit isn't goin' anywhere.


t1_j2a9pxj wrote

I mean, in general, appointments make everything smoother for both the customer and the salespeople. What kind of business are you asking about?


t1_j2bc4vz wrote

I’m okay with making appointments for certain things. What’s bugging me is reserved seating at the bar. Bar stools should be first come, first served.


t1_j2bcj7e wrote

That was "yesterday " this is "today".


OP t1_j2bhztx wrote

Today, like the last years has been an unacceptable disorganized mess.


t1_j2bl9uj wrote

ok lets just hit "rewind". Hate evolution? - just check out !


OP t1_j2bt8fb wrote

There evolution and then there is devolution. Some just prefer the wasteland they have created better, and unfortunately they are the vocal few.


t1_j2btof0 wrote

Over a million people died (+3,000 more every week), more got disabled and even more can’t work because they’re sick at any given time.

The world you want isn’t coming back. Deal.


t1_j2b8l2j wrote

It's a lot cheaper to run appointments only for those places I would expect. If I were them I would not change back to being open all the time unless that was somehow more lucrative


t1_j2cn7kr wrote

So many people are “working” from home. Customer service has tanked. Maybe it’s the holidays but I’ve been trying to deal with an insurance company for two weeks without success. It’s almost laughable. I’d say when the economy tanks this next summer it will be the businesses that actually are working that will survive. People getting paid to be home will have to learn the hard way.
