
houndshmix t1_j2n1eu6 wrote

I’m in Western Maine, and I’m very happy with Total Wireless, which was recently bought out by Verizon. Service is second tier, but it still works everywhere Verizon would, and my bill together with my son’s is still cheaper than my old Verizon bill was alone.


houndshmix t1_j20ln8y wrote

Next time find a spot to pull over a bit and let traffic go by. If four cars needed to pass you, you we’re probably going too far under the limit. It sounds like the road you were on had plenty of packed snow to make a good base- this isn’t as unsafe as light/fresh snow or ice.


houndshmix t1_j1zcguf wrote

This is great advice. Also, don’t fall too heavy on substances (including caffeine,) and consider getting a small sun lamp- I have a cheap one from Amazon that cheers me up when I get home from work at five and it’s already dark. Do not let up on these practices until May, lol. Sometimes April hits me hardest, when it seems like it should be warmer but it’s still muddy and miserable outside.