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DidDunMegasploded t1_j12a80x wrote

No it's not. I don't take pity on ableists and I don't hold any sympathy for them. No one should take pity on them and no one should hold any sympathy for them either.

If this guy parked decently then I wouldn't be saying the things I said. But alas, he's a douche who intentionally made this move and I can and will shit on him accordingly.


Fun-Gap4015 t1_j12ae6g wrote

Its a human being. Are you so desensitized to empathy you'd actually wish death on someone over a parking spot?


DidDunMegasploded t1_j12d4lq wrote

It's a human being, but it's an ableist human being.

Why would I empathize with an ableist when I myself am disabled? Makes absolutely no sense. People do this shit all the time because they don't care about one of the most vulnerable minorities in society. They are asswipes, pure and simple.


Fun-Gap4015 t1_j12f58s wrote

Because mature adults see past their own childish anger and hatred.


DidDunMegasploded t1_j12krzb wrote

Why are you trying so hard to make an excuse for ableism? Being mad at things like ableism, racism and sexism isn't "childish anger and hatred". If you believe such, then it wouldn't be too far-fetched to guess you're one of 'em too.

In this case, it wouldn't be too far-fetched to guess you're ableist as well and are defending this guy. We disabled people have a right to be mad at ableism because it directly affects us. Same way black people have a right to be mad at racism.


Fun-Gap4015 t1_j13da30 wrote

You're making a lot of assumptions because you're not emotionally mature. You're claiming to know me because I think it's ridiculous you want someone to "burn in the lowest pits of hell full stop" over a parking spot. I don't need to prove to you that I'm not anything that you've wrongly claimed I am. You're acting like it's a competition. I'm betting you're around 25 years old. I hope you turn away from this hate filled path. You cannot enjoy life if you're too busy being a victim.


DidDunMegasploded t1_j13gms3 wrote

Lmao, classic projection right there. Anyone who doesn't recognize ableism (or racism, or sexism) and just says "meh, who cares" to it instead of getting mad and fighting to combat it is already emotionally immature. Plus, you just assumed my age. Pick a lane or I'll do it for you.

I have a right to be mad at ableism because it directly affects me. It affects me in employment, in school, and in general society. You, on the other hand, likely don't have such a right and thus are not affected by it, hence your "meh, who cares" attitude. No sane and smart disabled person would see this and not get mad over it, and you'd dodge the question if I posed the assumption anyway, soooo with that said:

You are entirely missing the point of my comments. I hope one day you can turn your life around, study up on ableism, and fight with us instead of against us, since you seem so brazen to prove me correct in that you are defending this guy and defending ableism by dodging the question as well as a politician.


Fun-Gap4015 t1_j13h8b1 wrote

I haven't talked about this guy once I've only talked about your immature reaction. Are you reading what I'm saying or just waiting to yell at me


DidDunMegasploded t1_j13i8ce wrote

You should pose that question to yourself, bud.

It's not immature to react to ableism, sexism or racism. It's not immature to get mad at ableism, sexism or racism either.


Fun-Gap4015 t1_j13iqhi wrote

You're right, it's not immature to address those very serious issues. I agree. Those are bad things.

There are ways to address them that don't include "these people are no longer human". The greatest part about being a concious thinking person is that not only can YOU learn, but so can THEY. But nobody is going to get anywhere positive if the only vocabulary we use is full of anger and hate. It's a projection of our inner emotional state. Otherwise why would you say those things? Are you not being your authentic self?

Its important for our own well being to monitor our responses. Notice how I haven't insulted you yet, irregardless of the terrible things you've said about me with no justification. You're an adult. Act like a role model not a child.


DidDunMegasploded t1_j14cxyx wrote

Racists aren't really likely to stop being racist. Same goes for ableists and sexists. That's like having hope that anti-vaxxers will see that vaccines save lives, and I have enough experience with them to state the contrary--just like I have enough experience dealing with ableists to say that they aren't going to magically turn good and start treating disabled people with respect. The reality is that many will not. Some do, but it's a small margin--many don't.

If you want to keep living with the delusional belief that everyone who's ableist will turn good with a few magic words and a positive attitude, be my guest. But I'm a realist. I know the gravity of the situation with ableists. Doesn't matter whether you go cupcakes and rainbows or full Hulk. They just will not change.


Fun-Gap4015 t1_j150jdr wrote

You wanna know how I can tell you're immature?

You're so concerned with wtf everyone else is doing and not your own actions as if you're infallible. It means you don't self reflect. You see the world as black and white, us vs them, it is or it isn't.

You cannot control what anyone else does no matter how much you want. You can only control your own reactions. You will understand this concept better when you finally process the trauma that caused you to lose faith in yourself.

Some people just aren't ready. One day you will be. And hopefully you'll have the courage to seek forgiveness from those closest to you.


DidDunMegasploded t1_j15rwpl wrote

Why are you assuming I went through some kind of trauma where I lost faith in myself? You call me out for assuming but yet you assume too. Now that is being immature--mature adults aren't so blatantly hypocritical. Again, pick a lane or I will do it for you.

Ableism, and all the other "isms", will not be solved by reflecting on your own actions. It is a real issue that can't be solved by what you are feeling and what you are doing, nor can it be solved by forgiving the offenders. If I myself were ableist, then your words would hold merit. But I'm not--other people are.

You cannot keep being blind to how shitty the world is. You must be an adult and face the music. But I suppose my warning will fall flat since I realize something now: you are far beyond help and far beyond saving. I see now that you are not disabled yourself, and thus, you do not know the gravity nor the offense of what this guy does--you are part of the breed of people who kick us down and make life for us harder than it has to be. And making you disabled is a cruel feat. So, if you're normal and you refuse to see how this is bad, there is nothing I can do.

You cannot help someone that does not want to help themselves. And whoo boy, does that old family adage apply to you. I hope someday you will work with disabled people instead of trying to preach wisdom to them that, while helpful for some, is not helpful in this case.

Have fun, don't be ableist, and please, change your mentality. For the good of you and for the good of us disabled folks.


Fun-Gap4015 t1_j151212 wrote

There's nothing wrong with you. You're just heart broken. You're worthy of love. Get over yourself.