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Ambitious_Ask_1569 OP t1_j1e7bqc wrote

Yeah....hope I don't need to go to the store today. That tree is going to be a bitch without a chainsaw.


millhouse412 t1_j1eclpq wrote

You live in Maine without a chainsaw?


DodgeDeBoulet t1_j1ejvni wrote

Seriously? I thought they were included in a new mom's maternity gift basket in hospitals from Augusta north ... gotta start the ankle biters off right 👍


thatnyeguyisfly t1_j1euda4 wrote

Yeah but they only give you the dinky electric ones, your parents are supposed to upgrade you to a gas power one when you're old enough.


Ambitious_Ask_1569 OP t1_j1edyxo wrote

I've got a one in my storage unit but never thought to keep one at my apartment. Lesson learned.


BFeely1 t1_j1eg6em wrote

And of course a tree is going to get in your way to getting your chainsaw.


BFeely1 t1_j1egdo6 wrote

I don't have one personally but I live next door to my parents who own one.

P.S. Have you noticed residential grade chainsaws these days are pretty much disposable junk?


Technical-Role-4346 t1_j1ehyn8 wrote

Yes they are junk - plus if you don't use them often enough the carb gets gunked up. I'm looking to get a Milwaukee battery operated chainsaw for that reason.


Kaayth t1_j1ewbie wrote

I love my battery powered chainsaw. Super awesome except on days like today where we lost power. Shrug.