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indyaj t1_j07c4z5 wrote

What's your point? That's pretty tame.


RagenStrongbow t1_j07clqo wrote

Does 80085 bother you as well?

I don't get why you're butthurt over a license plate.


Runnah5555 t1_j07gdbg wrote

Could have saved themselves the trouble and just got a Massachusetts plate.


LaChanz t1_j07jbpx wrote

...mightier than the sword.


GreboGuru t1_j07nhss wrote

YOU are the one posting penis pics here :P


Impooter t1_j07odye wrote

I'd have spelled it "PEANUS" but that's just me...


Ok_Butterscotch_5764 t1_j07oqwz wrote

Kinda juvenile IMO but whatever floats your boat! 🤷🏼‍♀️


flabbergasted-528 t1_j07pflk wrote

They were trying to say pennies. Get your mind out of the gutter!


noopp t1_j07soza wrote



Tavybear6969 t1_j07zosi wrote

I mean it could be worse. I feel like they are the kind of person to send unsolicited 🍆 pics


joseph_esq t1_j081nn2 wrote

it’s biologically and geographically accurate. I see no issue. Maine is full of penises, approx 650,000 according to the latest demographics. Better get used it bud.


207Simone t1_j0821u5 wrote

If it makes you feel any better I saw a jeep this am w/the plate “bgjnson” I was like seriously 😐


sheeH1Aimufai3aishij t1_j082o9r wrote

There's someone in my area tooling around in a black Chevy, license plate FUCKAH.


Imnotapoolman t1_j082xo2 wrote

Thats the correct biological term right? Lol


mito413 t1_j087brh wrote

Maybe their “mightier than the sword” bumper sticker fell off.


Kr00kTV t1_j088zi3 wrote

This post really pushed man's to -91 comment karma 💀💀


Baymavision t1_j089oy1 wrote

We're #1 in putting the "ass" in "class."


butlest t1_j08a9dh wrote

I wonder... Is Phuck available?


poteetjim OP t1_j08aqnc wrote

I didn't call some rando an incel. Some dude made some nasty comment (which he has now deleted) to which I replied with a pointed comment. What would have been a more appropriate response? I'm new to reddit.


geneticswag t1_j08ef34 wrote

“Really Maine?” That comes off like an exacerbated Karen who’s over Maine’s antics. If you’re new here (to Reddit) you missed a ton of the legislative drama surrounding vanity plates and discussions around it. Your ambiguous and catty post put you on the wrong side of that drama.


theeibok1 t1_j08ickw wrote

Lol I’ve literally met them. A good friend of mines, step mother got us white water rafting tickets and she was good friends with one of them. Could not stop laughing when we saw the car pull up.


in_rainbro t1_j08itjc wrote

I often see a plate around Portland that says “FARTN” and chuckle every time.


poteetjim OP t1_j08j0gc wrote

Evidently I should have added a /s to the title. My apologies!


smr5000 t1_j08j8qz wrote

Up until very recently, it was a source of pride to slide innuendo into the text of the license plate. It wasn't until very recently that Maine started reviewing these plates and cracking down on them, possibly because of people faking outrage for useless internet points

The fact you don't know that as evidenced by your title "Really, Maine?", as if you haven't even so much has seen any of the other billion karma-farming license plate posts leads us to believe either you're either a bit hypocritical (in that you separate yourself from the rest of Maine when you ask us why our plates are the way they are)


you're from away, and drawing attention to our plates comes off like you're trying to set yourself above the rest of us morally by not even allowing people the slightest bit of fun when dealing with the government for once

/r/Maine literally said back to you: "Yes, really, /u/poteetjim"


Db3ma t1_j08jy6b wrote

Simple things for simple minds, eh? Thinking the content of the plate up, requesting it, getting it issued and parading it on you vessel is just a huge part of what amuses MAINERS up here.

I'd take that over you lot anytime.


OriginalGordol t1_j08kabi wrote

Obviously trying, and failing, to compensate for something.


poteetjim OP t1_j08kv9m wrote

You people need to learn to laugh at yourselves!! I thought it was funny that the state of maine allowed it and you all crawl out of your mud huts, in your buffalo plaid, throwing your feces around like monkeys in a zoo.

Life is too short monkeys.


Rootool t1_j08libz wrote

Sing a sooong of 3 penis pooockets full of wryyy.


SeelieForest t1_j08ntqh wrote

Won't someone think of the children?!?!?!?!


endsup t1_j08o1en wrote

A real dickhead for sure


Crysee t1_j08pyi0 wrote

"Bukkake" one I see around the Berwicks is the best


Redleaves1313 t1_j08q9nh wrote

What? He once flew a P3 and works with the Naval Investigative Service


frankenpoopies t1_j08tzrl wrote

That’s pretty tame compared to what else I’ve seen

And I’ve seen things


heavensphoenix t1_j08w48m wrote

😂 remains me of 2 plates I saw as a kid right next to each other john 316 and topless 😂


ForeverTaric t1_j090u01 wrote

Don't you mean really, that guy? Maine as a whole has little to do with it


whataweirdlife t1_j094jcq wrote

It amazes me when people take nice cars and deface with weird plates or bumper stickers.


4rastapasta2 t1_j09bblh wrote

Before the ban on bad language for vanity plates was lifted I saw a rad one that said "fel8me"


LojikPuzzil t1_j09fts2 wrote

Can I get a hint here? I'm really bad at figuring out vanity plates


Just-10247-LOC t1_j09grv0 wrote

That could be an actual Amateur Radio callsign.


ekgobi t1_j09jc53 wrote

Person down the street from me has the plate "FKSHTUP"


mercurin t1_j09l49w wrote

The way life should be


mike_hawk_420 t1_j09vllu wrote

I saw this car at gardens aglow a few nights ago!


singbowl1 t1_j0bjrre wrote

like we didn't already know you were a dick


SnooMachines9189 t1_j0bkgf8 wrote

Or maybe they just love male genitalia.. as I do haha ❤️


Scamhunter5171 t1_j0e1g9j wrote

I'm guessing you're kidding, given all the double-entendre comments above, but how about "Anyone who is 'proud to be the home of a Y chromosome' is probably also proud to have one"? (And not rreferring to the Jeep.)


AWorkOfArt t1_j0z9m7m wrote

Hmmm Probably a dick head or prostitute!