
OriginalGordol t1_jaz3d4i wrote

If it's not too late, ask your doctor about paxlovid.

I got Covid over Labor Day weekend. Symptoms were pretty mild, I was fully up to date on the vax and boosters, and as soon as I showed symptoms and tested positive, I called my doctor and they put me on paxlovid (I also have underlying medical issues that put me at a higher risk for a more severe case).

Honestly, for me, with the above, the worst thing was the cold/flu like symptoms making it hard to sleep. Nyquill became my friend. I was already off work that week for planned PTO, I was able to return to work via telecommuting only by the second day I was supposed to be back at work. I think I wound up taking only two sick days, not in a row.

And my employer's Employee Health people banned me from the office for three weeks instead of their normal two due to my underlying medical issues and relevant medications.

And, it's apparently not uncommon to get a "bounce" of symptoms a couple weeks later, and to test false-positive for up to three months after the infection. They told me to not bother testing until at least three months had gone by.


OriginalGordol t1_j522unf wrote

Your friend needs to file complaint(s) with HHS.Gov if they haven't yet already. And a restraining order against the ex.

EMMC, too far for me to recommend they move their care over to a MaineHealth hospital (I think Waldo County General is the closest in Belfast) (note: I work for MaineHealth and we take this kind of thing very seriously). St. Joseph's, part of Covenant Health, might be a good alternative.


OriginalGordol t1_j1zra5i wrote

>Also having good dark time activities: board games, video games, books, and such.

Depending on where in Southern Maine, game stores, some book stores and social clubs have weekly open game nights. Diversions Puzzles And Games (South Portland ME, Portsmouth and Somersworth NH), Woodford's (Portland) for example.


OriginalGordol t1_j1xu2l0 wrote

There could be sporadic outages in your general service area, some people lost cable, others didn't. And unlike power, a downed cable line does not cause or need to cause an entire grid section to go offline either because of or to fix the break, only those downstream from the break are affected.

Plus, they're being more proactive about it than CMP...