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t1_j5agi29 wrote

Because people who work here need a place to live.


t1_j5gfyau wrote

The guy you are arguing with doesn’t even live in Maine. He left 30 some years ago (if he ever lived here at all) and shits all over the sub.

He makes crazy assertions and when he gets called out on his BS with evidence he acts like he can’t read.

Dude is straight up the post child of “from away.”


t1_j5akl3i wrote

Whatever happened to being resilient? If conditions change, we change. If one town does not have what can be afforded, look elsewhere. Man has long desired for a better life. And for the better things in life. This whining about how others have what you do not have is... childish. Be better.

Or get a better job.


t1_j5ap6uf wrote

Wages in Maine are also very depressed compared to most other states.


t1_j5aslrs wrote

Minimum wage in Maine is what, $13.80/hr? Hardly depressed when compared to other states - a large number of which remain at $7.25/hr. CT's, a much more expensive state, is only $14/hr.

So, you fail at the "very depressed" claim.


t1_j5awhvf wrote

Maine median home price is 330k, CT is 337k. And before you say well that's because Portland, that's where you're gonna find any decent paying jobs, CT is going to have way more anyways. The jobs where I live in West Virginia pay same/more than similar positions in Maine and you can rent for well under a grand here and buy houses for 200k in the city. Maine is expensive for what you get.


t1_j5c2gf4 wrote

WVa is like the Gowanas Canal. Comparing Maine to that is ridic.

I do not doubt that housing prices in, around and south of Portland are higher than in most other parts of the state, but using median prices really says nothing. Does not even provide size of a house sold, the number of bedrooms and bathrooms, acreage, town it in which properties are located, proximity to water bodies or major roads, nothing. Just a number where half the number of units sold is below that figure and and the other half higher.


t1_j5c8ql0 wrote

Bangor 248k

Presque Isle 215k

They're up everywhere across Maine. Also, WV is comparable to Maine considering it's a rural state, with dying industries and an aging population. But even the Infrastructure in Morgantown is better than most of the state of Maine with bike paths, fiber internet, etc.


t1_j5cbysm wrote

Apples and oranges.

Morgantown is at the intersection of 2 major interstates and has a major university located in it. Nothing in Maine like it.

Coal is everywhere in WVa, same with shale gas. Pollution is everywhere. Large farms are cheap. Some state road corridors have more hookers than laborers, and the gas workers from TX, OK and WY are more than happy to utilize their services.

Maine is way different.


t1_j5azc52 wrote

Not talking about minimum wage. I have ten years experience in my industry and my salary was 75% of where I used to live. Same with my wife, who has her master's degree. Our combined income barely netted us a house in southern Maine.


t1_j5c8o7r wrote

> income barely netted us a house in southern Maine.

Well then. According to most folks in these threads, you are doing very well. Might even be wealthy and in need of having your single family lot turned into high-density housing.