Submitted by Sphragis t3_10n174m in Maine

Anybody have any experiences with appealing a mistake like this?

  1. Bill has small photo which, even though it is poor resolution and the size of a postage stamp, shows a completely different vehicle than mine.

  2. I wasn't in NH that day. Nor was my car.

  3. I actually have an up-to-date EZ Pass transponder that would have paid for the toll if I *had* driven through.

I really don't want to have to go through the rigamarole of dealing with this crap, so looking for any tips or suggestions to lessen the pain of dealing with the bureaucracy. Thanks.



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hike_me t1_j66cqua wrote

Sounds like a plate misread.

We got a bill from Florida once. Picture of a white pickup truck and they were saying it was the plate on our Subaru. Turns out it was a truck from Maine with commercial plates that were the same letters/numbers as our normal Maine plates (didn’t know that was possible, I think they avoid duplicating a plate even if it is a different class). We called and within a couple minutes it was corrected.


DrMcMeow t1_j66ctvy wrote

is it the same plate number, different plate type glitch they still haven't fixed?


Guygan t1_j66h4a8 wrote

I have called Maine EZPASS a few times for various issues and I have to say that their customer service is outstanding. Just call them. The person you speak with has the authority to immediately cancel fines and charges with no paperwork.

Just call.


lobstah t1_j66ma1o wrote

I've had it happen twice, once here, and once in NY. In both instances it was easily handled with a short phone call using basic courtesy. They don't want to interrogate you, and it wouldn't surprise me if their unwritten policy was "if they take the time to call, they are probably in the right."


backbaybilly t1_j66s1wk wrote

I had a similar situation. I dealt with it by writing a letter. Put all of your facts together in writing and send them to the address to which you would have paid the fine. Many weeks later I received a letter basically telling me "case dismissed".


AppointmentNo3240 t1_j674b65 wrote

Not the same situation you're dealing with, but I'll get there at the end :)

When I moved to Maine I was still using my out-of-state EZ-Pass (with out-of-state plates) for my daily commute to Boston so I was hitting the York and Hampton tolls regularly. For whatever reason, both states were billing me as if I was paying in cash instead of EZ-Pass, and because I had the auto-refill enabled I didn't catch it for a few months. Once I did, I emailed Maine and New Hampshire to explain what was happening. Both requested some more details, and Maine ended up giving me a significant refund. New Hampshire rejected my request for a refund and didn't provide any assurances it wouldn't happen again. I ended up getting a Maine EZ-Pass and it hasn't happened since. But to me if felt like a bit of a scam: how many tourists going through those tolls are going to complain -- or even notice -- if they get charged $1.25 or whatever more than they should once a vacation. I imagine not many.

All this to say, if you email them with an explanation, this seems like it should be easily resolved. But New Hampshire sucks. :)