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dr_cl_aphra t1_j4nv7nl wrote

Y’know what, fellow nerds… I’m in.

I live in the County, but I’m willing to travel. I’ve done cosplay and wedding dresses for over twenty years.

I can absolutely do the service in Tolkien Elvish, or anything else you give me enough time to learn. Already an officiant through the Universal Life Church.


art_decorative t1_j4o072a wrote

If I bring snacks, can I come to this wedding? Because you people sound like my kind of folks.

Seriously, congratulations and your wedding is going to be gorgeous!


weakenedstrain t1_j4nyzbm wrote

You sound like the kind of person we need more of in Maine and the world at large.

If this goes over well, we could become like Vegas but for Elves!

Edit: instead of Elvis, it’d be Elvish!


nzdastardly t1_j4o4gjz wrote

If he wears a costume, he'll be an Elvish impersonator!


weakenedstrain t1_j4opa51 wrote

He could start a band made up of all Elvish impersonators. Pull heists. Of cretons. Crates of cretons.

It’s the stuff of nightmares.


Josh_Hawley_ t1_j4ooe0m wrote

I’d do it too, but I will only speak in high elvish. No exceptions.


BeatNick5384 t1_j4q2v7b wrote

Damn, another ULC minister from the county stealing the cool weddings... :P


Cattatomic t1_j4nv3av wrote

I’m in southern Maine. If no one else comes up let me know. I only know a few words in elvish but can learn. P.S. Tolkien is a huge part of my life and fully support you elvish wedding!!!


sledbelly t1_j4nwtu9 wrote

I love this and I love that there’s people ready and willing to do this for you

I love Maine


nzdastardly t1_j4o4nvg wrote

If that first volunteer doesn't work out I'd also be happy to do the service in Elvish. I'm ordained and in the Portland area.


MaMaMaMainer707 t1_j4ntck3 wrote

I just watched the lord of the rings trilogy I should taken the time for an elvish reply I beg your pardon



New-Vegetable-1274 t1_j4qpo8u wrote

A little off topic, I have never seen the modern trilogy but over time I've collected a half dozen DVDs from flea markets and Walmart. What is the correct order to watch them?


raynedanser t1_j4nv8yd wrote

This sounds like such fun! I hope you're able to find someone.


Dwigt_Rortugal t1_j4o0oev wrote

Sorry I only do Harry Potter weddings.


lavenderzelda t1_j4of1m7 wrote

How do I get invited to this wedding??


Weird-Alternative-14 t1_j4o83co wrote

UGH! SO FUN I want to come! Let me know if you need a goblin-esqe fairy to do coat check.


evolvolution t1_j4od26q wrote

May the dice lord bless you with nat 20s on your special day!


PencillCat t1_j4nxlw1 wrote

That sounds amazing! Makes me wish I learned the elvish languages from my roommate in college. She had many of them memorized.


Nadia_Claire_ t1_j4oaovo wrote

You sound ridiculously awesome and congrats on finding your fellow nerd!


mhb20002000 t1_j4og2vm wrote

Any attorney (myself included) in Maine can marry a couple. I would be willing to marry you two. Even if you just need someone to do the legal paperwork and you have someone else do the ceremony. (I am willing to do the ceremony).


FrontFacedFoe t1_j4psq4x wrote

I'm from the mid coast and want to be friends with you guys cause this is deff my kind of vibe!!


Commission_Virgo43 t1_j4qaolg wrote

These comments all made a lot more sense once I realized it said “Elvish” and not “Elvis”


Ordinary-Broad t1_j4qjd86 wrote

How do I meet fellow nerds like you?? Love this idea


dedoubt t1_j4oo8im wrote

That sounds so wonderful!!

(Just saw you have also posted in the covidlonghaulers sub! Are you feeling any better?)


Prestigious-Club-939 t1_j4q2jo0 wrote

This is so awesome. Wish I could come as the Dragonborn or a member of the dark brotherhood. 😃


z-eldapin t1_j4q5o68 wrote

Ok, I came to the comments because I thought there was no way that this couple would find what they were looking for.

All of you people are fantastic!!!


theresin t1_j4qwouk wrote

Damn, I only speak gutter Orcish - missed opportunity there.

All kidding aside, this is awesome. I hope this subreddit gets some pictures once this thing happens - and most of all, congratulations!


WhyDoIEvenBotheridk t1_j4pzi86 wrote

This is awesome. I’m in Maine and I do leather work, mostly armor. If you need anything for costumes let me know. I won’t charge you much, if anything.


MastiffsInmaine t1_j4rzjpt wrote

Another ordained minister happy to help! I'm in central ME!


BigAppleGuy t1_j4sytur wrote

Reading through this thread made me smile! TY OP, and <3 Maine & Maine redditors!


Accomplished_Exit251 t1_j4p9e8o wrote

I am 100% willing to do this if the other volunteers fall through. I’m busy in early-mid Oct though with other weddings.


Gretyl_Angura t1_j4q69we wrote

This is amazing 🤩😍 sorry I can't but I love that this is happening!!! Fellow nerd here 🤣


OwxnZan t1_j4qmw9e wrote



New-Vegetable-1274 t1_j4qp62k wrote

Sounds like fun, you should film it with a little backstory, a script and a forest setting. I would bet you could find a local theater company that would love to help.


Ambitious_Ask_1569 t1_j4rntmn wrote

If you wanted it done in Klingon....Qapla! Im your man.