
dr_cl_aphra t1_jaaaszw wrote

Grew up in western South Dakota, and I know what giant bastard-covered bastards with bastard filling buffalo can be.

DON’T APPROACH THEM. Buffalo, even human-raised ones, are very fast, huge, powerful, and dangerous. Whoever owns these needs to get their shit together and keep them contained, or someone will get killed.


dr_cl_aphra t1_jaa94fz wrote

I want someone to invent a bidet for the rear camera lens. That can’t be hard, right? Just a little thing plugged into the rear window washer line, with enough pressure to hose off all that crap?

If you make and patent it that’s fine, I don’t need credit I just need it installed on my car like yesterday.


dr_cl_aphra t1_j6jos8k wrote

Don’t know why you’re getting downvoted for this. I use it and it’s great.

I had to go through a couple of therapists there before I found someone I clicked with, but it’s been a very good match. I don’t have a flexible schedule, nor can I go physically to an office in my small town, so online therapy was the only option.


dr_cl_aphra t1_j4nv7nl wrote

Y’know what, fellow nerds… I’m in.

I live in the County, but I’m willing to travel. I’ve done cosplay and wedding dresses for over twenty years.

I can absolutely do the service in Tolkien Elvish, or anything else you give me enough time to learn. Already an officiant through the Universal Life Church.


dr_cl_aphra t1_iv2n4f9 wrote

You killed people with this, Musk. You knew you would when you did it, same as if you’d flown a drone over a city and dropped the payload. And you did so knowing (and because) there’d be no consequences for you.

What level of psychopathy is it to hoard wealth like a fucking dragon, and take pleasure in the power to cause the deaths of random people (you’d say you have no reason to care about them, because that’s what a monster says)?


dr_cl_aphra t1_iry74qb wrote

Unfortunately it’s not great. But there’s a huge spectrum that really depends on how long the spirochetes were in there actively raising hell.

I have a friend with very bad tertiary Lyme. He’s a super hairy dude and completely missed the tick bite and the rash (if he even had one—not every does). So it took a long time before he sought attention and got a blood test proving it was Lyme.

Here in Maine, and New England in general, Lyme is super common so most PCPs and ER docs are pretty attuned to looking for it. Once he actually sought help, he got treated appropriately with antibiotics but it was too late and a lot of his symptoms now are permanent.

He has peripheral neuropathy (numbness in his hands and feet) that makes it hard to walk or do any fine motor tasks with his hands, so he’s on permanent disability. Gets fatigued very easily. But for him Lyrica was super helpful.

A good Neurologist, combined with therapies (cognitive, speech, physical, occupational) can help. I hope your friend recovers well.


dr_cl_aphra t1_irxyifs wrote

If you’ve been treated with doxycycline then you don’t have active Lyme anymore. The spirochetes are dead.

If you think you’re still having issues like fatigue, muscle pain, neurological changes, etc. then you probably had the active infection long enough to develop Tertiary Lyme—as in, the spirochetes caused potentially permanent damage before the doxy killed them.

In this case you don’t need ID. They aren’t going to do anything about it because there are no more bugs to kill.

You need to see a Neurologist to help manage the long-term consequences.

Do not drink the koolaid of the “Lyme literate” people. There is no such thing as chronic Lyme disease.

Source: am surgeon who works in New England and have seen a ton of Lyme disease.

Edit: Have gotten some private messages asking more questions so will put this here to further clarify.

The initial Lyme disease infection from the tick bite is like if your house has a termite infestation. You find it and call the exterminator (the provider who gives you antibiotics).

The antibiotics are like the pesticide that kills the termites. The termites are now all dead.

But the termites did damage to your house before they were killed. The extent of the damage and whether or not it can be fixed completely depends on how long the termites had to do their thing.

That damage is Tertiary Lyme. It is a very real thing that is recognized by real physicians, and there are ways to help it.

“Chronic Lyme” is a bullshit, made-up pile of quackery that basically pretends that the termites’ ghosts are still haunting your house and causing more damage (blood tests are negative for spirochetes but you don’t feel good so by golly they must still be there!).

The quacks tell you the termite ghosts must be exorcised with continued IV antibiotics, essential oils, or whatever else the quack wants to sell you.