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RAP1958 t1_j5v4us2 wrote

As a life-long Democrat. I have to say, punish him if he is guilty. I dont give a rats ass what letter is behind his name.


pennieblack t1_j5v5ci4 wrote

Press Herald article:

> The speaker of the Maine House is calling on a state representative to resign over allegations that he violated Maine’s Clean Election Act during his 2022 campaign. > > Rep. Clinton E. Collamore Sr., D-Waldoboro, was indicted last month on multiple counts of aggravated forgery, unsworn falsification and violations of the Clean Election Act, according to the Dec. 15 indictment filed in Lincoln County Superior Court. > > House Speaker Rachel Talbot Ross, D-Portland, has asked Collamore, 62, to step down.

Luckily, it seems like everyone agrees. Fuck Collamore - it's completely shameful to defraud the Clean Election fund.


ozzie286 t1_j5wixz8 wrote

This seems to be the difference between Democrats and Republicans. If it was an (R) next to his name, we'd hear nothing but screaming about it being a setup, fake news, etc. Meanwhile Democrats are just like, "Ok, arrest him".


bulgarianjuice t1_j5vjvrz wrote

“According to state lobster license records, Collamore captains “Just Right,” a 37-foot boat based in Bremen. In 2019, he landed 15,975 pounds of lobster.”

Important detail in this article.


Delicious_Rabbit4425 t1_j5vrcxb wrote

I’m just going to add that not all republicans are conservatives. Really need to get out from under this two party bs and let the vocal minorities have their own space to try at being something more than that.


clhomme t1_j62xhtr wrote

Maine took a step in the right direction with ranked choice voting. Republicans hate that of course.

That is until Trump runs as an independent. .

Then they'll love it. ❤️


elt0p0 t1_j5v9muj wrote

There has to be a back-story. He doesn't look indictable, does he?


yeyakattack OP t1_j5v54fb wrote

Posting without editorializing the title in accordance with Rule 4.

Democrat abuses the tax payer funded campaign fund (ironically called “clean” election fund) by forging signatures. The BDN has buried this in the political section instead of placing it on the front page where it belongs. If this was a Republican this would for sure be on the front page of the BDN, but I guess this is (D)ifferent.

Edit: Any time there is bad press about republicans, it’s the most upvoted post for the day. I point out a democrat doing something wrong and I get “wHy YoU sO diViSivE” and ridiculous whataboutisms


ZingZongZaddy t1_j5v5fa6 wrote

A shit bag is a shit bag no matter what political label you want to slap on it. Stop trying to make everything so goddamn divisive.


And it's not surprising that a Bangor publication doesn't put podunk Waldoboro on the front page. You're looking for a reason to be outraged.


yeyakattack OP t1_j5v5sqy wrote

I’ll look for you the next time I see an article about a republican. I won’t find a comment like this there.


ZingZongZaddy t1_j5v637m wrote

I should hope I don't have to correct someone's fear mongering in that thread, but hey we'll see.


yeyakattack OP t1_j5v7mqp wrote

What’s there to correct? He committed fraud and he is a democrat. That’s not fear mongering, that’s just an inconvenient truth (for you)


ZingZongZaddy t1_j5v7z3y wrote

The fear mongering is you trying to pitch this as Democrats trying to sweep it under the rug, while the truth is even his own party is calling on him to resign or be ousted.

I don't need to be a bleeding heart liberal to point out the false equivalency and bad faith argument you're trying to push.


yeyakattack OP t1_j5v9dcd wrote

That’s a strawman argument. I never said the Democratic lawmakers are trying to sweep this under the rug. Nice try.

I’m saying the heavily Democratic leaning BDN is trying to sweep this under the rug by not putting this on the front page where it belongs. That’s not fear mongering, that’s just a fact. Maybe step outside of your echo chamber every now and then.


ZingZongZaddy t1_j5vb3pi wrote

BINGO! I have conservative bingo!

You're trying to push a narrative that Republicans are held to higher levels of scrutiny, and you're trying to use a newspaper from a different part of the state not putting Waldoboro on its front page as an example of that double standard.

Maybe pull your head out of your ass every now and then.


yeyakattack OP t1_j5vdaxh wrote

Last time I checked Representatives pass laws that’s effect the whole state. I guess I’m wrong, maybe someone should tell the Portland Press Herald so they stop talking about Representatives from Waldoboro. Maybe take a page from the Democrat Speaker and condemn the fraud in your party instead whatever it is you are trying to accomplish.


ZingZongZaddy t1_j5vejoc wrote

The only thing I'm trying (and succeeding) to do is call you out for blatant bullshittery. Portland's a helluva lot closer to Waldoboro than Bangor.

Maybe take a page from any book and learn some reading comprehension. Something like "Everybody poops" since you feel the need to expel diarrhea from your mouth.


yeyakattack OP t1_j5w1j2a wrote

Very mature response. Please let me know what the made up radius is for news papers. I would love to understand the logic on why Portland to Waldoboro is ok but Bangor to Waldoboro isn’t. So how many miles does it need to be for it to be ok? You don’t even make sense.


pennieblack t1_j5varfh wrote

Is the Press Herald heavily Republican leaning then? Because it's on the homepage there.


yeyakattack OP t1_j5vbf6p wrote

Obviously not, do you see how they wrote the headline? They spin this into a hero moment for the Democrat Speaker of the House. Just read the article. The bias is obvious. The Portland Press probably sees this as good press for the Speaker, whose from Portland.


eigenstien t1_j5w8kq5 wrote

You’ll argue it from hell and back because you can’t admit you’re wrong. It’s your ego flapping it’s lips right now. “I’m right, no matter what!”


FragilousSpectunkery t1_j5wfhmm wrote

And he is a male. And he is (apparently) a fisherman. And he is caucasian.

None of them are linked to his fraudulent behavior. That is the only thing that matters. If he's guilty, persecute and prosecute. Dragging his choice of political affiliations into it is, quite frankly, small. I dare say most registered Dem voters have no interaction with ANY Dem politicians. Likewise with Republicans. Creating a relationship where none exists is one of the big reasons our country is such at odds today.


apparent_apparition t1_j5vo6v2 wrote

Isn’t this a false equivalency? If it were a Republican article, wouldn’t this comment need to come from a Republican?


tycam01 t1_j5v9cee wrote

Hope he has to step down and get more than a slap on the wrists If found guilty.

Also, as a conservative, I don't see why it's popular on the republican side to make everything a slam post and make it all republican vs Democrat. The (D)ifferent comment is a bit cringey.


yeyakattack OP t1_j5vaje4 wrote

I’ll admit it’s a bit cringy but I’m just so sick of seeing the constant Republican bashing that goes on in r/Maine. The bias here is so obvious. It’s nice to finally see another conservative here. I was beginning to think I was the only one.


biggestofbears t1_j5w3qz2 wrote

Because republicans still fall in line behind (previously) trump and now desantis and others like him. Laughing stocks to the rest of the world but Republicans stand by it.


iglidante t1_j5w9x7c wrote

>I’ll admit it’s a bit cringy but I’m just so sick of seeing the constant Republican bashing that goes on in r/Maine. The bias here is so obvious. It’s nice to finally see another conservative here. I was beginning to think I was the only one.

As a Democrat, I don't feel the need to bash Republicans unless they are doing something that violates my moral code. It doesn't help that there are some pretty offensive (deliberately so) bits of rhetoric in circulation at the moment: "LGBTQ+ folks are all deviant groomers" and the like.

But I also will bash Democrats for doing the same.

This guy is a crook.


3490goat t1_j5vatuc wrote

It really shouldn’t be about party. If he violated laws then he needs to be held accountable. There is no place in government for people who violate the public trust in the institutions of government.


yeyakattack OP t1_j5vbmdq wrote

I’ll look for this comment the next time I see an article about a republican. Spoiler alert, it won’t be there.


3490goat t1_j5vf1mv wrote

Ummm, that’s the exact thing I say about all politicians. Hold them to a high standard and hold them accountable when they fall short. Are you a troll?


iglidante t1_j5waer9 wrote

>I’ll look for this comment the next time I see an article about a republican. Spoiler alert, it won’t be there.

Are you saying that Democrats don't call for Republican politicians who break the law to be punished?


FragilousSpectunkery t1_j5whbsu wrote

Remember that AG in S Dakota that killed a pedestrian while driving his car and using his phone to check emails? His name is South Dakota Attorney General Jason Ravnsborg. He was impeached and tossed out of his office. It's not about party, it's about doing the right thing.

That said, it's remarkably easy to say "of course they did it, since otherwise our party would look bad." Just like you said about the PPH making hay for some Democrat. Stop saying shit like that, stop guessing motives. Stop using a reporter's or editor's decision in phrasing to justify YOUR bias. Just be the person who starts with "Good, they deserved it" and let it go with that. That is what you are hearing a bunch of people doing in this thread, and yet you persist in "I'll believe it when I see it." It's you. You are the problem.


Substantial-Treat-99 t1_j5whx89 wrote

What won’t be there is Republican leadership and Republican voters wanting to hold someone with an R next to their name accountable.


Stonesword75 t1_j5vykcl wrote

You mean like the guy in Sanford who nobody ever heard about that committed the same violation this past year and is being indicted?

Where is the BDN front page story about that?


yeyakattack OP t1_j5w10oz wrote

In Sanford it wasn’t an elected official. It was a candidate and they caught him real fast. Unlike this Waldoboro democrat who got $14,000, won the election, and got away with it up until today.


Stonesword75 t1_j5w8qd7 wrote

And the Waldoboro Democrat is being indicted and told to step down by the Democrat majority house within hours of the indictment being announced.

Im still waiting for you to show me a BDN front page story of the Sanford guy being caught like you said would have happened, or any other case of his case being overblown.


[deleted] t1_j5vcp9s wrote



Notmystationbro t1_j5wdtf8 wrote

Ohh all cops are bastards you say? I bet you’d call them if you’re life is ever in danger. I hate people like you because you act tough on the keyboard but a simp in real life
