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mainething t1_j5fz4cy wrote

now that's embarassing! He is NOT A MAINER !

He is from Pasadena California and crawled here to live in the woods where he could enter politics Lockman is a 1967 graduate of Philadelphia-Montgomery Christian Academy in Jenkintown, Pennsylvania. He studied liberal arts at Covenant College in Lookout Mountain, Georgia and Pasadena City College in California. Around 1976, he began working at a sawmill in Passadumkeag, Maine.


ptowndavid t1_j5g0doi wrote

And then his district’s voters(are these the real Mainers?) thought it was a great idea and put him in office.


mainething t1_j5g151h wrote

That ! but like a can of gas they were unlit until that jerk heated them up. A quiet idiot is just another sleeping dog until kicked !


Unable-Bison-272 t1_j5g24b5 wrote

Sure…he’s only been in Maine for 47 years.


londonphase t1_j5h5owp wrote

He came here from California in 1976, stopped paying his taxes, attempted union busting, and got into Maine politics just a few years later. Carpetbagger in every sense of the word.


mainething t1_j5g2ohu wrote

Always remember kittens will never be biscuits!


Unable-Bison-272 t1_j5g3ujs wrote

I don’t think there is another state in the country this fixated on what state people were born in. It’s bizarre. He seems popular enough among the locals that they keep electing him, right? Do you think a loon like this would get elected in Pasadena or the Philly suburbs?


monsterscallinghome t1_j5g8dtq wrote

This strain of ugly nativism goes back to the arrival of the Famine Irish and French Canadians in the 18th & 19th centuries. The Know-Nothing Party used the Catholicism of the refugees to stoke hatred and gain political power. It's disgusting to hear from the mouths of otherwise sensible people.

The excellent book Hard Times, Hard Men: Maine and the Irish 1830-1860 by James H Mundy is an excellent resource on both the history of the Irish in Maine and the history of how cynically the wealthy (often themselves transplants from Mass & points south) have instigated, fed, and used this nativism to divide the working class of Maine against itself, lowering wages and increasing repression to the detriment of everyone but the rich.


rangemerge t1_j5g9c6h wrote

Never experienced this anywhere until I came to Maine. Caring about where someone is born is such a foreign concept to me it took me a while to wrap my head around it.


Unable-Bison-272 t1_j5gb5to wrote

I left the state partially because of this miserable attitude. My drunk neighbor held a knife to my neck and told me if he killed me he wouldn’t be convicted because I was “a fa**ot from Massachusetts.” My last time in Blue Hill I went to a bar and ate a quiet meal and had a couple beers. The bartender asked me where I was from. I said Central Mass, Worcester area. Called me the same slur and pitched a fit when I didn’t tip him. Fuck this attitude.


squidsquidsquid t1_j5gb1m1 wrote

It's a thing in VT as well.


jqpeub t1_j5ghmfa wrote

Not in my experience, I was born in California but I'm definitely a Vermonter and I've never heard anyone complain. Maine seems to take it more serious


LegitimateAbalone267 t1_j5h2fx9 wrote

I’ve been here almost 14 years and I still can’t wrap my head around the “from away” BS.


mainething t1_j5g5mvi wrote

hopefully not! That's why he went to Amherst - do the demographics - you could make two lists - 1 where he would be elected 2 where he couldn't make the ballot. Suppose he thought that through? Welcome to America ... It's gerrymandering that sets shit on fire!


Unable-Bison-272 t1_j5g7j8p wrote

He went there to work in a sawmill 47 years ago…


IamSauerKraut t1_j5h1vw5 wrote

He tried to bust the union there. Got tossed instead. Now does crap for some outfit called "Write to Your Congressman." He's still a clown.


IamSauerKraut t1_j5h1m8k wrote

Philly suburbanites care. Especially if you were born in Delaware or New Jersey.


cwalton505 t1_j5gkxzf wrote

Yeah he's a cunt but why does his birthplace matter? Plenty of cunts born in Maine. Paul LePage and Janet Mills were both born in Maine. You likely hate one of those kittens based on your hardline take.


weakenedstrain t1_j5grcd5 wrote

Proud of Mills, don’t agree with her much of the time. However, calling the guy who refused to honor MLK day while also blaming Maine’s drug problems on black guys impregnating white girls isn’t what I’d consider much of a “hardline take” and more common decency.

If they both seem the same to you, I’d suggest you look into their policies and personalities a little more.


cwalton505 t1_j5gs3mn wrote

Lol dude I didn't even put my opinion in here of either of them, just that the take on "being from maine" as a qualifier is bullshit. And your comment kinda proves my point I was making to OP.


weakenedstrain t1_j5gu2ea wrote

You can say it was me getting aggro all you want. You called them both cunts, and set them up as equals. If that’s your take, it says a bit about the value of your opinions.

My opinion: they’re not equal. Not even close. If that means I prove your point or I’m some kind of hardliner, I’ll take it. Making both sides look equally compromised at this point only elevates the reprehensible.


cwalton505 t1_j5h6omi wrote

No I didn't. I was just inferring that OP likely considered one of them cunts. And here you continue my point. Which is fine I hold nothing against you


mainething t1_j5gopmz wrote

I don't "do" hate. Take a look at the globe, we are all passengers in the same boat. It doesn't mean we have to embrace everyone, but we sure as hell had better try to understand each other - Being born a Mainer carries with it an identifier and I really am proud to say that not all Mainers are alike -


cwalton505 t1_j5govvu wrote

You're a bit of a walking contradiction aren't you


mainething t1_j5gtkld wrote

Thank you, Thank you very much... I reserve the right to grow.


TimothyOilypants t1_j5h7kms wrote

Are you indigenous? If not, I have another special "identifier" for you champ...though you may not like it...


mainething t1_j5hinj3 wrote


Bath Maine 1942, Thanks !


TimothyOilypants t1_j5hkqj2 wrote

So no then...

Sounds like you're from away as well.


mainething t1_j5hld7g wrote

geography not your strong suit ?


TimothyOilypants t1_j5hs3tp wrote

As strong or better than your English language skills it would seem.

If you do represent anything uniquely specific to Maine it's the state's worst qualities...


TimothyOilypants t1_j5huj6e wrote

Awwwe... Poor old timer doesn't know how to take a full screenshot. 😥. It's ok gramps, your time will be up soon anyway.


keysandtreesforme t1_j5g2x8w wrote

Ok…I also despise this piece of shit. But 47 years isn’t long enough to be called a Mainer?? Is by-birth the only bar high enough? If that’s the case, I have bad news about those in your company (they’re pretty damn closed-minded).


lucianbelew t1_j5g6drr wrote

> But 47 years isn’t long enough to be called a Mainer??

Nope. One of my neighbors recently informed me that, since I was not born here, my Maine-born children will never be Mainers, but their children might.


[deleted] t1_j5gbbpg wrote



lucianbelew t1_j5gbmy8 wrote

Do you not understand that it's generally desirable to be accepted as a member of the community in which you live?


[deleted] t1_j5geomr wrote



lucianbelew t1_j5geyfa wrote

I don't fucking know, cuz. I'm just relaying the bullshit my neighbor said the other day. Take it up with someone else.


IamSauerKraut t1_j5h24rp wrote

Your neighbor is as dumb as a toadstool. Prolly looks like one, too.


grayhairedqueenbitch t1_j5h27lj wrote

I was born in New Hampshire and my older brother in Boston. (Our parents were still in college). My grandfathers came from other New England states. My grandmother was born in Maine, but her parents were immigrants. My other grandmother was from Maine for generations but she moved 15 miles down the road after getting married. My parents were born in Maine, and have lived there close to 70 of their 80 years, but they're not "from there" according to some.


mainething t1_j5g4hzj wrote

no, no being a Mainer means being born here ... and then we have to accept them for what they are, but when they crawl here to try to use our state meme as a recertification - they need to be identified as being from "AWAY"


IamSauerKraut t1_j5gdbiz wrote

Larry "pass the dumb keg" Lockman seems to have imbibed a bit too much.