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guano-crazy t1_j5fz97m wrote

Is this for real?? Jesus, wtf


MistakeVisual3733 t1_j5g3daa wrote

Yeah it was like 10 years ago.


Caughtyousnooping22 t1_j5gycxe wrote

I promise he is still just as much of a douche


guano-crazy t1_j5hekyx wrote

The small dick energy is very strong with this guy. And what’s sad is that people like this rapey asshole are in charge. Society will be better off when these ppl go fuck right off a cliff.

Women don’t need anyone’s permission to have agency over their own bodies. It blows my mind that this is still a discussion in 2023.


clhomme t1_j5h81y3 wrote

It was uncovered in 2014 by the BDN. He wrote it in 1990.