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so2017 t1_j5gvo15 wrote

Reply to comment by Amdy_vill in Despicable by KermitThrush

See, you just made a logical connection. The two ideas he is putting together are in no way connected.


Soccermom233 t1_j5qzo93 wrote

It's grossly conflating some biological truth with rights?

Because biologically women get pregnant they get to decide what's going on with their bodies?

Because biologically men are typically stronger they get to decide who they rape?

I think that's the 'logic.'


BillDStrong t1_j5hixln wrote

Unless he is trying to show how the woman being the stronger has the "right" to kill the weaker party, so the man should as well. See, connected logical thought, even if you don't like the conclusion.

Now, I don't know this guy, and have no idea what the context was he made this statement, or even if he really did, but hey, nobody else seems to care about these niceties, why should I/


so2017 t1_j5hoizo wrote

No, he’s saying “women have the right to “kill” the weaker party, so men have the right to assault and rape women.” That is not a logical connection.


BillDStrong t1_j5hwi4t wrote

The logical connection is the strong preying on the weak. How hard is that to see?


so2017 t1_j5hxnus wrote

That’s an equivocation, not a logical connection.


BillDStrong t1_j5i9dxx wrote

Equivocations are connected by logical connections, and I spelled out the logical connection.