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Hotpickledsprouts t1_j8pcrcx wrote

Bro they sell them at Renys. Ever been? I heard it's nice there


DidDunMegasploded t1_j8pek71 wrote

I haven't been inside a Reny's in...gosh, how long has it been? 6 years? Yeah.

Still never seen nor heard of these things.


Hotpickledsprouts t1_j8pfg9x wrote

Bro my only advice for you is to be more aware of your surroundings. You're probably missing a lot. Have you looked into maybe, opening your eyes?


DidDunMegasploded t1_j8qzkbv wrote

I've tried, but when you wear $30 glasses for your nearsightedness and are chronically fatigued, it takes a lot of effort to actually see shit, y'know?

I don't even look at the stuff that's at store checkouts half the time. I just want to pay for my shit and leave.


Hotpickledsprouts t1_j8rzg76 wrote

You can have my eyes bud. When we go out together I'll tell you in vivid detail the many arranged sweet treats that you're missing out on