Is anyone familiar with how people who don't file tax returns due to the social security only income would claim a heating relief check?
AbrasiveDad t1_j9pcx57 wrote
Weren't those sent out in January? If so you have a year to figure it out.
kolzzz OP t1_j9picf7 wrote
I just got mine two weeks ago
kolzzz OP t1_j9pif2o wrote
So you're saying to go back and file a 2021 tax return??
20thMaine t1_j9pk4dg wrote
You can give Maine Revenue Services a call at (207) 626-8475 to ask about individual income tax questions, but it might be posted somewhere on their website saying how many years back you can file if you don’t normally file.
You can download the 1040ME back to 2012
metalandmeeples t1_j9pksck wrote
That's what the guidance on states, yes.
78FANGIRL t1_j9plo0v wrote
Even with Social Security you get a 1099 to file.
Evening_Pension5388 t1_j9pt88v wrote
More like a month
flyawaysnowbird t1_j9pvb4t wrote
Yes, my parents did this
DidDunMegasploded t1_j9pzf4m wrote
You still have to had filed your 2021 tax return regardless. Just having SSI or SSDI is not an automatic qualifier for you to receive the check.
You can mark down 0 as your annual income on the 1040 form and still receive a check, though it might take a long while. That's what my neighbor did and she still hasn't received her check.
DoubleOhOhOh t1_j9t955p wrote
Social worker here, I work with folks on Mainecare, and many of my clients are non-filers. Unfortunately, there is no way for a non-filer at this point to become eligible for the $450 heating checks.
Maine’s Revenue Services has the following requirement listed on the payment status checking page: “You filed a 2021 Maine income tax return no later than October 31, 2022 as a full-year resident”. This was the same requirement for the $850 pandemic relief funds from 2022, so if they received the $850, they will also get the $450 automatically.
Short of calling Maine Revenue Services and maybe being able to be granted an exemption due to extenuating circumstances, filing at this point will not make someone eligible.
ragtopponygirl t1_j9tp975 wrote
Got mine two weeks ago too.
kolzzz OP t1_j9uxfdv wrote
Looks like the October 31, 2022 deadline has already passed :(
metalandmeeples t1_j9pcw8w wrote
The relief is available whether or not Maine income tax is owed. Those with no taxable income may check Box A and complete lines 1-13a on the front of the Maine Individual Income Tax Form 1040ME and complete Schedule PTFC/STFC.
1040ME -
Schedule PTFC/STFC -