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mycatisawhore OP t1_j8v1y9w wrote

Thank you. Violence against women is so common that it's been normalized. Claiming some dude's explicitly violent post is fake is misogyny in action.


gamertag0311 t1_j8xjs3c wrote

Wtf? No, violence against women is not normalized. If anything, violence against men has been normalized, because they "can take it ". Maybe this poster has asked for help and hasn't gotten it . Not saying their intentions are good or healthy at all, but when people are pushed away when asking for help I don't know what you expect.

With all that said, maybe you should change the post title to "help me find this rape victim and get him some help "


mycatisawhore OP t1_j8xkxk6 wrote

Violence against women is so normalized that you refuse to see it as wrong or preventable as evidenced by your claim that men are the true victims here. Yes, toxic masculinity exists and prevents men from seeking mental help, which then results in women dying. He's a rape victim who plans to rape and kill his ex and you appear to be in support of that with your whataboutism. You can choose to help prevent a murder and get this guy the help he needs or you can keep scrolling, but defending this him is gross.