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houndshmix t1_j9y93mt wrote

Nah. No one in Rangeley would waste money on an ideas guy. This is just us getting sick of bullshit tourist behavior. Leave your entitlement at home, please.


conflictedbosun OP t1_j9yfr0r wrote

Lmao. That's shitty tourist behavior is what those joints rely on. Have you ever been to Rangeley? If so, I'm guessing you drink/smoke your breakfast. There is no tourist industry without tourists. And yeah, they have shitty manners. Everywhere they go.


houndshmix t1_ja0eklh wrote

Bs. I’m there year round, including during the off seasons. Places can do just fine without tourists being assholes. Sounds like you just want to justify your own behavior.


WalkerBRiley t1_ja7pmkv wrote

Nah, the only reason places like this can even stay open year-round is because of increased tourist traffic over the summer. Without it, they'd be a seasonal place. Sounds like you just can't handle standard customer behavior. You want to own an establishment that caters to the public? Learn to deal with rude behavior.


houndshmix t1_ja9m8vx wrote

There’s a difference between standard customer behavior and customers being blatantly rude and entitled. I’m sure you only see it one way though.