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TheHimmelMan OP t1_jac8l77 wrote

I do have VIP tickets, restricted will be interesting when they've called it "The Pit"... maybe they're unlcear of what that means.


appleshit8 t1_jac9ctw wrote

When no one can enter the pit does the entire venue become the pit?


TheKrisLyons t1_jacg91a wrote

it did when I went to see Tool at the waterfront. By the end, nobody was in their assigned seating.


TheHimmelMan OP t1_jac9ivi wrote

Maybe :)

I believe it's all seating outside of "The Pit" and "The Lawn" though...


arclight222 t1_jac9rcz wrote

I mean every venue and show calls that area at the front "pit", but Bangor events this summer have slashed the size and the number of folks allowed in and replaced it with corporate VIP boxes and additional seating. As for the restricted idea, I have no clue, but assume it's so they can eject people more easily assuming their secuirty can brave their way in.


PGids t1_jacpmlz wrote

Yeah they made the lawn fucking suck. It’s nuts to butts on the hill now, abd while I don’t mind it being a little crowded I shouldn’t have so little room I can’t even drink my beer because I can’t move my arms