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eliot_cutler t1_j9xkb2p wrote

Easy, some of us just realize that the overwhelmingly vast majority of people are born with a knob or clam and group accordingly. If you want to smooth it out and tell me that you are a girl, have at it. If you then direct your middle school class to your ticktock, that’s a little creepy. Imagine if it was a middle aged ma….human born with penis. You wouldn’t want him teaching your kids, because you’d feel like he wanted to have sex with them. Also, not to be a terrorist, but if a bunch of people decided to cut their arms off I wouldn’t bleat on about how normal it is then tell my kids they were brave when they cut their arm off hahaha


HumpSlackWails t1_j9xypj0 wrote

My child has a male teacher and I'm not spending all my time worried he's trying to bone his students.

But you DO bring up a good point that, at least for the right wingers willing to craft reductive policy to "protect the kids," needs to be addressed:

Men are the overwhelming perpetrators of all violent and sexual crime regardless of the gender identity of the victim.

What are we going to do to protect our girls, boys, women and - yes - even other men - from the horrific violent tendencies men display and their predilection towards sexual violence?


eliot_cutler t1_j9yjje1 wrote

I guess we could ask all the men to dress in women’s clothing and call themselves girls then the problem would be solved.


MrLeeman123 t1_j9xp6pi wrote

I’m sorry you spend so much time thinking about others peoples bodies. Must be exhausting to obsess over everyone’s genitals like that.


eliot_cutler t1_j9yjr9e wrote

If you tell me you’re going to cut off your dick or stick one on I reserve the right to say ‘whoa, that’s a little different’. Must be exhausting to try to dictate how everyone else expresses their thoughts.


MrLeeman123 t1_j9z2ogs wrote

Lol honestly good comeback. Still I think that’s the big difference between people like you and me. If someone told me that I wouldn’t even give it a second thought. What they do with themselves holds zero influence over my own life. I only spend time thinking about things that impact me directly.


eliot_cutler t1_j9z4a0k wrote

That’s very noble of you. Honestly, there’s no word in English that would describe your nobility, but I think the Spanish say ‘impressivo’.


MrLeeman123 t1_j9z7ec5 wrote

Awww man my guy you did so good on the first one and then resorted to sarcasm for the second comeback. Sorry if we’re exhausting your mental capacity to retort after only a couple exchanges!

And you misconstrue. I am far from noble. I’m just an asshole who only cares about myself and if someone does something that doesn’t affect me I couldn’t give fewer shits. Still I hope you can find peace my friend. Life’s hard when you live so bitterly 🖤


eliot_cutler t1_j9z96tc wrote

Always nice to give you a platform to show off. I really hope you will accept me and be friendly towards me in the future.


MosskeepForest t1_j9y83e1 wrote

I just saw a video on Twitter of a male teacher scrolling through women's profiles on Facebook looking at their bikini and club pics while his screen was being cast onto the projector in front of the class.

Funny how the COUNTLESS examples of that sort of thing gets ignored by you extremists and you instead focus on a random Trans teacher that shared her social media name.

You God damned fascists need to be stopped. My entire life I've watched you jump from one minority to another in an endless hate filled campaign.

You are a threat to peaceful society. You are a traitor to your country and fellow citizens.


eliot_cutler t1_j9yjdfd wrote

‘My entire life’. All 14 years of it? Haha. The male teacher should be reprimanded too. You’re just dramatic because it plays politically with the other people who don’t have significant life experiences outside their parents paying for them to get a humanities degree at a college that most people couldn’t afford.


MosskeepForest t1_j9ymmxu wrote

>The male teacher should be reprimanded too

And it would be handled in the school and life would go on. Not become national news by conservatives trying to push a hate-filled political agenda akin to the Nazis pushing the same narrative of "lgbt people are threats to children!!".


eliot_cutler t1_j9yoxld wrote

It’s Fox News. Welcome to the world. It’s the same reason you spout off about traitors and fascists and talk about how you’ve seen these groups oppressed ‘your whole life’, the cognizant portion of which probably began after the towers fell, which is completely offensive to the gays and minorities of past generations who went through significantly worse than pronoun ‘misuse’ and random articles on right wing websites discussing them in less than fawning terms.

I don’t begrudge trans people anything, most are quite nice, like anyone else, but any sort of extreme body modification is different. Oddly enough, by pretending to be a different gender you are acknowledging that their are defined gender norms that you fall outside of, therefore need to change your body, then argue that there should be no defined gender norms, though you’re adopting the mannerisms and affects of a presumed other gender. Humans can be confused, no system is perfect, but to ask others to totally adopt your opinion and offer the charge of treason to anything less is offensive. You’re worse than all of them and just as bad as any of those traders in political clout you see on any extreme news station. Why do you type leave cities? You should move to Portland. Or better, California.


MosskeepForest t1_j9ypudx wrote

>who went through significantly worse than pronoun ‘misuse’ and random articles on right wing websites discussing them in less than fawning terms.

Are you really trying to claim "trans people don't have it so bad"? What's wrong with you?

Right wingers are STILL shooting up clubs and murdering trans people regularly. The "trans panic" defense is still alive and used in the country (that is the defense where a person murders a trans person, but claims it's not their fault because they were surprised to learn they were trans... so.... it's ok to murder them in that moment).

Claiming it's just about some "misuse of pronouns" as you ignore the gross injustices trans people face is really fucked up. You are just a horrible person aren't you?


eliot_cutler t1_j9yt6v2 wrote

Yeah, there’s plenty of mass shooting that have happened for plenty of reasons. You talking like that, ironically, probably causes more of them to happen. You just don’t understand how to effectively forward your cause. Hyperbolic prattle drives people away.

The way trans people have it is that they have chosen an odd and modern way to deal with questions of identity. I would wager than a trans person would prefer to be alive now rather than 1950, but you don’t really have a lot of life experience to draw on that would help you in making these judgement calls. Being gay is a minority sexual preference that only requires jamming you cock into some dudes butt or rubbing your vag against another. Trans people aim to change their bodies. People will look at that differently. Good luck with your revolution, Robespierre. I could really care less if you think I’m a good or bad person, I’m just discussing my thoughts. You should really move to California it sounds like you’d like it there.


MosskeepForest t1_j9z2wiz wrote

>You talking like that, ironically, probably causes more of them to happen

Typically the extremist shootings are BY FAR by right wingers going to gay clubs or black churches or jewish buildings. That's why your type of people are so dangerous to society.... because you see minorities existing as some sort of threat.

And then push endless propaganda to try and create more and more hostile environments (complete with countless murders) until you can ramp up government action (like they are doing across the country with various anti-trans bills right now).

It's the definition of fascism. THIS IS EXACTLY WHAT THE NAZI DID WITH GAY PEOPLE. The "gay people are a threat to your children" IS EXACTLY WHAT THE NAZI DID.

.... you understand we fought a war against Nazis right? And then after the war, we killed the ones who lead the hate campaign and murder campaigns right?

Traitors in this country who keep creating hate towards minorities have no sympathy from me. I think they should be treated as traitors to the country for what they do.


eliot_cutler t1_j9z5r2l wrote

You remind me of that woman who was yelling into the sky after trump was elected. You seem more interested in demonstrating how right you are than any sort of discussion. So I’ll just say - if I told you I was feeling weird today and decided to cut off my penis I imagine most people would be concerned. You can figure out the rest, haha. It’s so weird you people leave cities and expect everyone to agree with you the same way.


MosskeepForest t1_j9z90jh wrote

>You seem more interested in demonstrating how right you are than any sort of discussion.

What discussion? There is no discussion here. Just fascists trying to create hate towards trans people with propaganda pieces. A climate that they have cultivated for the last 5 or so years heavily....

You think I should be sitting down and having a "discussion" with fucking Nazis who want to just murder minorities?

You don't seem to quite grasp how a "discussion" with a Nazi works. I'm a traditional person, I believe we should handle Nazis like Nazis.

Again, we fought a war against this type of shit. Their ideology needs to be stamped out from the face of this earth and never allowed to fester and destroy a society again.

That's why these fucking fascists are traitors. They are randomly trying to create more hate towards another minority group. Hate towards their fellow Americans just living their lives. It should be illegal, it should be punished.

DISCUSSION? No, there is no discussion about that. There is just condemnation for what they are trying to do.


Lieutenant_Joe t1_j9yzm3k wrote

Your username seems fitting


eliot_cutler t1_j9z04zy wrote

Congratulations, youre the 1000th person to make that comment.


Lieutenant_Joe t1_j9z29zg wrote

Maybe stop being a fucking weirdo on Reddit then, if it bothers you.


eliot_cutler t1_j9z4gj3 wrote

Maybe we can attend an antifa meeting together and nobly espouse our agreement in hopes the womenfolk will sex us.
