
eliot_cutler t1_j9z5r2l wrote

You remind me of that woman who was yelling into the sky after trump was elected. You seem more interested in demonstrating how right you are than any sort of discussion. So I’ll just say - if I told you I was feeling weird today and decided to cut off my penis I imagine most people would be concerned. You can figure out the rest, haha. It’s so weird you people leave cities and expect everyone to agree with you the same way.


eliot_cutler t1_j9yt6v2 wrote

Yeah, there’s plenty of mass shooting that have happened for plenty of reasons. You talking like that, ironically, probably causes more of them to happen. You just don’t understand how to effectively forward your cause. Hyperbolic prattle drives people away.

The way trans people have it is that they have chosen an odd and modern way to deal with questions of identity. I would wager than a trans person would prefer to be alive now rather than 1950, but you don’t really have a lot of life experience to draw on that would help you in making these judgement calls. Being gay is a minority sexual preference that only requires jamming you cock into some dudes butt or rubbing your vag against another. Trans people aim to change their bodies. People will look at that differently. Good luck with your revolution, Robespierre. I could really care less if you think I’m a good or bad person, I’m just discussing my thoughts. You should really move to California it sounds like you’d like it there.


eliot_cutler t1_j9yoxld wrote

It’s Fox News. Welcome to the world. It’s the same reason you spout off about traitors and fascists and talk about how you’ve seen these groups oppressed ‘your whole life’, the cognizant portion of which probably began after the towers fell, which is completely offensive to the gays and minorities of past generations who went through significantly worse than pronoun ‘misuse’ and random articles on right wing websites discussing them in less than fawning terms.

I don’t begrudge trans people anything, most are quite nice, like anyone else, but any sort of extreme body modification is different. Oddly enough, by pretending to be a different gender you are acknowledging that their are defined gender norms that you fall outside of, therefore need to change your body, then argue that there should be no defined gender norms, though you’re adopting the mannerisms and affects of a presumed other gender. Humans can be confused, no system is perfect, but to ask others to totally adopt your opinion and offer the charge of treason to anything less is offensive. You’re worse than all of them and just as bad as any of those traders in political clout you see on any extreme news station. Why do you type leave cities? You should move to Portland. Or better, California.


eliot_cutler t1_j9yjdfd wrote

‘My entire life’. All 14 years of it? Haha. The male teacher should be reprimanded too. You’re just dramatic because it plays politically with the other people who don’t have significant life experiences outside their parents paying for them to get a humanities degree at a college that most people couldn’t afford.


eliot_cutler t1_j9xkb2p wrote

Easy, some of us just realize that the overwhelmingly vast majority of people are born with a knob or clam and group accordingly. If you want to smooth it out and tell me that you are a girl, have at it. If you then direct your middle school class to your ticktock, that’s a little creepy. Imagine if it was a middle aged ma….human born with penis. You wouldn’t want him teaching your kids, because you’d feel like he wanted to have sex with them. Also, not to be a terrorist, but if a bunch of people decided to cut their arms off I wouldn’t bleat on about how normal it is then tell my kids they were brave when they cut their arm off hahaha


eliot_cutler t1_j9psl9e wrote

Everyone posting here probably frequents these places but we do need a rest with these stupid fucking weed shops. Dregs of society masquerading as some legit business when your really just selling drugs to people, congratulations, what a business model for these ‘entrepreneurs’. Makes me wish they would re-ban. At least in the past there was a sense of shame ass ousted with package stores, now some liberated millennials think that there’s nothing wrong with everyone taking drugs and that it should be celebrated. Obviously we have progressed beyond the 200,000 years of human history.
