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[deleted] t1_j9155by wrote

Okay, that does absolutely zero to reinforce the assertion that we're dealing with some type of "dirty rain" here in Maine


JimBones31 t1_j915qfo wrote

Yes it does. It's obvious that the railroad company isn't telling us the extent of the situation. If you don't want to see that, that's fine.


[deleted] t1_j916mx6 wrote

The railroad company isn't who I'm looking to for environmental impacts related to wind and weather patterns


JimBones31 t1_j9172vz wrote

So after seeing all the weather maps of the gases and chemicals floating up into the atmosphere and towards new England, where do you think the rain is getting contaminated from?

Again, if you don't want to acknowledge that the shit falling out of the sky is the same shit that flew into the sky upwind of us...that's fine.


IamSauerKraut t1_j91pvd9 wrote

>where do you think the rain is getting contaminated from?

Meteorologists who have been asked similar questions point to dust from OK and TX. They also note that several weather systems have gone thru the east coast since Feb 3 and that if any part of the smoke/debris cloud remains, it is over the north Atlantic and northern Europe.


JimBones31 t1_j91q5qf wrote

So the site is done contaminating the air?


IamSauerKraut t1_j91tos6 wrote

No longer a fire at the site, and has not been a fire for over a week. No smouldering, either.


JimBones31 t1_j91tsss wrote

Very good. We don't need a fire though for chemicals to contaminate the air.


IamSauerKraut t1_j91v21g wrote

Air readers on the ground and in the air are not finding this contamination you seem focused on. What chemicals do you think is in the air there and is also in Maine?


JimBones31 t1_j91v906 wrote

If the air readers aren't finding any, apparently none.


[deleted] t1_j917pwq wrote

I'm sure you've seen the same map everyone is sharing like crazy. You probably also saw that map is from 2/8. It's 2/18.


JimBones31 t1_j917svv wrote

Which means...the cloud of shit has moved...downwind.


[deleted] t1_j918qes wrote

Which means we didn't get rain yesterday that would have had anything to do with Ohio


JimBones31 t1_j918yl0 wrote

I've tried explaining it clearly. I'm done. Don't lick it off the windows.


[deleted] t1_j91bk6y wrote

"I tried explaining the science to you based off a chart/other things I don't actually understand!"


IamSauerKraut t1_j91pk5r wrote

The smoke from the derailment is long gone. It's been 2 weeks already.


JimBones31 t1_j91pqkj wrote

Fumes are still released unless it's all been cleaned up. Did they clean it all up?


IamSauerKraut t1_j91tblk wrote

Fumes have what to do with dirty rain in Maine?


JimBones31 t1_j91tnfo wrote

Fumes are made of chemicals. The chemicals contaminate the water and then it falls from the sky in the form of rain.


IamSauerKraut t1_j91ufzt wrote

Fumes are composed of chemicals, sure.

But if chemicals are contaminating the water, does that not flow downstream in the water? All surface streams in the burg flow south and west. Away from Maine.

If you mean fumes rise into the air, then you should know that those aerosols diffuse and disperse into the air to the point that they are hyper-diluted. Not to mention that numerous weather systems have moved anything that would cause dirty rain in Maine far beyond the coast, if that particular air mass even moved over Maine.


JimBones31 t1_j91uuvq wrote

Unless they have cleaned up the chemicals, don't think of them as a mass that is moving. Think of them as a mass that is spreading.

But seriously, you can think of them as Cheerios if you want to. I'm cool with that.


IamSauerKraut t1_j91vj6b wrote

>Unless they have cleaned up the chemicals, don't think of them as a mass that is moving. Think of them as a mass that is spreading.

Based on ground and air observation reports, that is not happening. There is no mass in the air that is moving. Localized fumes in eastern OH are not moving into Maine. There may be spots in the ground that remain contaminated but the site is undergoing remediation.


JimBones31 t1_j91vpjm wrote

Excellent. I'm glad there are ground and air reports that I have not seen yet.