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pabloescobyte t1_j8p2cap wrote

These look great though I'd take a Model M over a modern keyboard any day. The PC66 is a beautiful design though too bad it's not that popular around here.


Jamiesaville96 OP t1_j8p349w wrote

Why is it not to popular around here?


pabloescobyte t1_j8plq00 wrote

Mostly Group Buy and custom boards around here. Vortex used to be super big a long while ago but the market is much more saturated now. I mean even Model M and buckling spring boards are few and far between these days--usually bigger crowd at GeekHack.


Seirin-Blu t1_j8sdrp5 wrote

Vortex did a metal SSK GB recently. Should ship next montj


shubashubamogumogu t1_j90o06d wrote

>The PC66 is a beautiful design though too bad it's not that popular around here.

I have seen at least 6 or 7 posts with the PC66/KBt RE: while I have been here, so you just have to observe for a longer duration.

You can checkout my post if you want (it's a PC66, I just requested they include the KBt RE: badge because I liked how it looked better).

Oh and I have a Model M SSK by Vortexkeyboards ordered as well. (✿◕‿◕✿)