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OP t1_j8yb1ul wrote

Not everyday you find a fellow enthusiast in the wild. Wish I could have spent more time talking shop but had a work meeting I was already running late to 😢 pleasure meeting you!


t1_j8yc464 wrote

Was it a Mazda? It seems to always be on a mazda...


OP t1_j8yc7du wrote

Mazda Speed3 and I have a crosstrek so maybe it’s a crossover thing 😂


t1_j906zya wrote

MS3? RIP front tires lol


t1_j90yg0f wrote

Does a mazda 3 have an issue with front tyres? Just as I was considering getting one too…


t1_j916q28 wrote

Yes, under certain situations too much input from a drivers right foot will cause significant slipping of the front tires resulting in excessive wear. It's gross and Mazda should fix it.


t1_j919be9 wrote

Ah… As in the car is too powerful to hold grip? Is this just off the line or during normal acceleration too?


t1_j91dbfe wrote

It’s a joke about the car having more power than normal Mazdas resulting in ‘lead foot’. There isn’t an actual problem with the cars


t1_j91a8jo wrote

If you're asking these questions, I would look into something other than a speed3. They can torque steer pretty easily if you are giving it the beans. It regularly likes to spin in first and second gear due to the torque and it being front wheel drive. A regular Mazda 3 will be up your alley, they are light and still corner really well.

I don't mean to dissuade you from a MS3, but you really should research that platform before you decide. They have some fun quirks.


t1_j91nlsg wrote

I’ll just go ahead and add some input as a recent 5 year owner of a 2nd gen Mazdaspeed 3 list like in the pic. It’s by far the most fun car I’ve ever owned. Torque steer is extremely manageable and actually can be mitigated with many various suspension mods. Even in stock form it is nothing worth not considering the car over I promise. If anything it’s a reason worth buying, it’s so playful and enjoyable. And the front tire comment was def a joke I’m sure. The tires do not wear excessively lol. Lmk if you have any other questions I knew the car well and miss it every day!!!


t1_j93azsz wrote

Yeah, I got that when another commenter used the term lead foot, then scrolled up and saw how the other comments were jokes about right foot, ect, and how I got sucked right in.

I feel gullible now…

But seriously, thanks for the advice, I just like fun little cars, the ms3 is a great option!


t1_j93f3bf wrote

Lol I didn’t catch it at first either. 😂awesome well the MS3 is an AWESOME car! Just get one that was maintained and continue to maintain it!!


t1_j92gaq1 wrote

Love my speed3. Yours looks nicer than mine though. I've posted a few pics if you go to my profile, if you're curious


t1_j9307bh wrote

Very nice Speed3 you have there. Mine is the 2013, so it came with the gunmetal/black wheels.


t1_j90ttjy wrote

Mazdas are often praised for their engaging driving and great driver feedback (especially for the price), plus have one of the highest percentages of manual transmission sales. Mazdas are the mechanical keyboard of the car world.


t1_j90nccl wrote

My boss is one of us and also drives a Mazda. I can destroy your theory though: I drive a BMW


t1_j91bi67 wrote

Every time i find that sticker in the wild, it's always a mazda... show us your BMW with the glorious sticker...


t1_j8zwsgg wrote

Own Mazda3 HB. Can confirm it's a Mazda thing. Now who the hell wants to send me a sticker?


t1_j8ydcdq wrote

Kinda looks like you're related


t1_j8zmg3l wrote

I quickly glanced at your comment and I really thought you said he looks retarded and I felt really bad for OP until I reread it


t1_j8z8we4 wrote

Man I’d love to run into people in public and bond over hobbies. The only issue is I’m too much of a gremlin to leave my bunker.


OP t1_j8z928c wrote

Would have loved to have talked w him more but I was already running late to a client intake (I work in mental health)


t1_j8z95ca wrote

Do you use your lubed switches to calm neurotic clients?


t1_j8ze3yi wrote

Not OP but I use my lubed switches to calm myself.


t1_j8zevj4 wrote

I’m picturing group therapy sessions now with everyone typing in sync


OP t1_j8zghc3 wrote

Actually it is technically a mindfulness technique because of the repetitive motion and focus so maybe I have a new practice 😂


t1_j8zgmiq wrote

Lubing switches it absolutely a mindfulness activity


t1_j90rkjg wrote

Computer keyboards aren't really something that often comes up in public. I'm sure they do exist, but it's not exactly every day you're going to find a group of keyboard enthusiasts just getting together in typing groups.

Not like photographers will hang out and take pictures together, or musicians will hang out to jam.


t1_j906avs wrote

AND a Laguna Seca decal. 10/10 would drink a beer with.


OP t1_j909rfj wrote

200% agree…buying a miata too in about 2 months 😂


t1_j8zmjb8 wrote

He a Merkari boi too. Very nice


t1_j8zwurx wrote

Guillermo!?! What would Nandor say if he saw this...


t1_j90qjzi wrote

Why do all the stickers shorten the sub to r/mk ? When you google r/mk this sub is below the DeviantArt page and two Twitter pages for R-MK... When you click r/mk in reddit it goes to nothing.


t1_j8zzl00 wrote

A Mazda AND a Keeb nerd. There’s literally tens of us!


t1_j906ijv wrote

I'm going to the Iowa Keyboard Meetup next month. I will be on the lookout for cars in the parking lot with that sticker. I can't wait.


t1_j916j06 wrote

Mine will be one, but I chose the color poorly, it’s hard to see


t1_j8zzalj wrote

I'm doing that! That's a great idea to find people with similar interests - put a sticker of a subreddit on something a lot of people who can talk to you will see. Clothes, on background if youre streaming or making a social media post, on your laptop, car counts as you will often go from driver to pedestrian due to the nature of it.


OP t1_j902on6 wrote

Honestly…I may need one of these stickers for my car…and I’m against putting stickers on my car. Since my old WRX was plastered w stickers 😂


t1_j916za0 wrote

Where do you guys get the stickers? I want one on my car asap


t1_j91hk2c wrote

Two wins on that rear window. Zoom-Zoom, and r/mk


t1_j92ffwb wrote

Exactly what I would imagine a /mk redditor would look like 😂


t1_j92h611 wrote

I've been in the hobby for about 18 months or one GMK Wait, and I still haven't ran into another enthusiast


t1_j8yayem wrote

ANY content that features products, services you sell, your prototypes in progressm or items you were sponsored to post MUST use the Promotional flair, with disclosure of who you represent.

When posting your build, please provide a description of the build, preferably as a Top Level Comment or Reply to this Comment, with the following information:

  • Your keyboard featured and its layout

  • The Switches, Keycaps, and Other Accessories Featured

  • Any notable mods you performed

  • Other helpful information such as low profile, lesser known firmware, etc.

Example: Unobtanium Southpaw 1800 with DSA Salt with MorningCaps Artisan and Alps Rainbow Switches, modded with Sorbothan Foam on KMK

I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please contact the moderators of this subreddit if you have any questions or concerns.


t1_j8zp29e wrote

Is that Orange County? lol


OP t1_j8zslgs wrote



t1_j8ztmoz wrote

California looks the same everywhere haha


OP t1_j8zugwz wrote

Bro so true. Generic industrial park, sunny weather. Could be literally anywhere in the state 😂


t1_j90rdov wrote

Good to know Hainbach is into these kind of keyboards, also.