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gingus418 OP t1_ja50591 wrote

Reply to comment by heygos in QK60, what a journey! by gingus418

You like the Arisu layout? Enjoying the HHKB layout a lot but definitely think there’s opportunity to go a bit more ergo in the future.


heygos t1_ja52osa wrote

Saying yes would be a bit of an understatement if I’m honest hah. I was sort of forced into ergo because of arthritis in two of my fingers on each hand; where using a traditional board was not as comfortable.

For me, it’s much more comfortable and keeps your hands in that natural more relaxed position. With Arisu I have my arrow keys and more than enough buttons for custom / macros.


gingus418 OP t1_ja5x1qm wrote

well, I suppose that's at least an improvement over the standard layout then, right? Sounds like you found a way to make your computing more manageable for the day-to-day.


heygos t1_ja7ciny wrote

Yea, I would def agree with that.