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t1_ixy175i wrote

I remember asking a while ago about some cheaper keeb stuff when I was newer to this community and this random dude got so pissed off at me in the comments and bullied me in my dms for not knowing anything about keyboards.

I love this hobby and community but some of y'all need to just sit the fuck down and stop being fuckwits, nobody appreciates that.


t1_ixz57vw wrote

And there’s a bunch of people that have become elitists about calling people elitist and acting like elitists are running around actively trying to keep people out of the hobby. And that’s just simply not the case, no one wants to keep people out of the hobby. The more people in the hobby the more new manufacturers, vendors, designers there will be. This whole “elitist” thing is not an actual case of elitism or gatekeeping it’s just a way for people to put down those they don’t agree with.


t1_ixz646t wrote

I guess you're right in that it's not elitism, but it's still a problem I see in all communities that I wish just weren't a thing.

It's a shame really.


t1_ixz6adr wrote

That’s just humanity people are going to be dicks. It’s best to just not acknowledge it and ignore those people. Getting worked up over it is just going to bother you not the people who are actively dicks.


t1_ixy4z2b wrote

You get people like that in any hobby oriented internet forum... all of them. You can't accuse an entire sub with 1.2 million subscribers as being elitist because one person behaved like a bit of a dick.


t1_ixycpsw wrote

I thought it was quite clear I didn't mean every single member of this community.


t1_ixyd6di wrote

When I said you I was speaking to readers of my comment who may disagree not you necessarily.
