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flembag t1_j6d35qa wrote

"I want to avoid diving into different layers because I type so much and often have to reframe and contextualize my prose."

Then why did you build a minimalist board? Sounds like you're trying to force an ok tool at doing something that a different tool would excel at.


Comfortable_Mango_11 OP t1_j6d4xnn wrote

If it doesn't work out I can always grab me a Q2 but other than the delete key situation (which I think I have solved) I'm not really having any problems with the Q9. It is a weird keyboard - and I wish I'd bought the ANSI version! - but it's lovely to type on.


StrickenForCause t1_j6e7214 wrote

Don’t mind that person. Nothing wrong with having a minimalist board that suits your needs. I write shorthand professionally in real time on a 65% board and have had to do some silly things like swap shift with ctrl to get everything just the way I need it for my purposes. All that matters is that the layout reflects your individual needs, and only you know what those are!