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thisizusername t1_j9rs5uy wrote

I respect the right to free speech, however, a plague upon the words you speak


sebenak t1_j9s3t3w wrote

I knew i'd upset some Radiohead fans.


thisizusername t1_j9s4mj0 wrote

😂 You aren’t implying we are overly sensitive are you!!!


sebenak t1_j9sandy wrote



thisizusername t1_j9uisec wrote

On the other side, I have a ton of respect for the Blizzard Twizzard, but haven’t been able to get into it. I give it a whirl here and there, but hasn’t clicked with me yet.


sebenak t1_j9upxi1 wrote

other side here too, I'm a fan of all of them radiohead included but i find i just don't want to listen to them for long periods of time. I do think it's quite telling that no deadheads or phish people have chimed in, as they have already prbly fought (and lost) that battle enough times already LOL. I think my attraction to the Gizzard is the eclectic nature of it keeps my ADD brain satiated, like be a pop or hip hop sounding tune and then all the sudden there's this duane allman riff outta nowhere, then the next song will sound like motorhead or something.


thisizusername t1_j9w3jx7 wrote

I don’t see much jam band celebration on this subreddit interestingly enough, a comment here or there. Definitely not a fan personally, but I guess I kind of ‘get it’, which is more than I can say for a lot of acts (cough…Linkin Park).