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t1_je6rchv wrote

‘In the aeroplane over the sea’ by Neutral Milk Hotel is an album written after lead singer Jeff Mangum had a mental breakdown after reading Anne Franks diary. It references Anne and her family, her life, death and her message. Jeff writes of his love for her & how he wishes he could save her in a Time Machine. There are loads of conspiracies online worth looking up involving his current wife and sister who both resemble Anne Frank. The album was released and following the shock of its success Jeff disappeared, refusing interviews and became a hermit. The band briefly reformed to tour a few years ago where mobile phones were banned.


t1_je8l7tf wrote

I saw him solo circa 2013 I think? It was amazing. The crowd sang all the horn and saw parts. It was a small venue. I will never forget it. There are clearly other themes mixed in. Very SEX DRIVEN themes.


t1_je8xr8r wrote

Urgh, I’m jealous. I nearly bankrupted myself attempting to get a ticket and fight to Ireland when they were over our way. It’s probably my favourite album of all time! Someone online has written an 80 page essay about it which is a beautiful waste of time


t1_je9audf wrote

King of Carrot Flowers Pt.1 will forever be one of the most haunting songs I’ll ever hear. So incredibly beautiful with slightly disturbing lyrics. Still makes my eyes well up a bit.