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Cuff87 t1_je8l7tf wrote

I saw him solo circa 2013 I think? It was amazing. The crowd sang all the horn and saw parts. It was a small venue. I will never forget it. There are clearly other themes mixed in. Very SEX DRIVEN themes.


ridewithaw t1_je8xr8r wrote

Urgh, I’m jealous. I nearly bankrupted myself attempting to get a ticket and fight to Ireland when they were over our way. It’s probably my favourite album of all time! Someone online has written an 80 page essay about it which is a beautiful waste of time


forced_spontaneity t1_je9audf wrote

King of Carrot Flowers Pt.1 will forever be one of the most haunting songs I’ll ever hear. So incredibly beautiful with slightly disturbing lyrics. Still makes my eyes well up a bit.


thankuhexed t1_jea2l71 wrote

The lyrics really hit me in my childhood, I’m with you.