Submitted by Aftertheinsanity t3_11th2l0 in Music

I get easily overwhelmed when it comes to listening or finding music…especially platforms such as Spotify, Apple Music etc. I listen to probably like 5 artists and considering how people listen to so many musicians all at once memorizing lyrics. Do you guys have any advice on how to expand my music taste? I’ve been struggling with this for eight years and i don’t know if anyone else relates.



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nopestillgotit t1_jcj1ip2 wrote

Just search up genres you’re interested in and a whole load of playlists will show up.

Don’t feel too bad about it, I only listen to a couple genres from a handful of artists. I don’t think anyone truly judges somebody’s music taste because it’s all personal preference in the end so don’t worry


dwsphoto t1_jcj7nea wrote

I recently was looking to find something new to listen too. I’m 58 and feel I’ve heard it all. I’ve never really explored country outside of the classic and some of the fun hits. I looked up Rolling Stones top 100 country Albums of all time and started at number one. Made myself listen through the album in It’s entirety (like we used to back in the day) and it was a fun journey. Found many new songs I love. Try the top ten in a few genres.

I envy the young for having so much great music to discover. But I don’t envy the overwhelming abundance to dig through. Watch documentaries on music and artist. Helps develop a deeper understanding of the music.


flappybird74 t1_jcj1txz wrote

Discover weekly on Spotify

Release radar on Spotify

Click your favourite songs on Spotify and click "song radio" it will make a short playlist with songs that are similar to the one you clicked

On Spotify, Search for a specific genre or vibe and there will be many playlists with that genre made by users.

Find a radio station that plays your favourite genre


CursedCollector1 t1_jcj2p2q wrote

The new Spotify Ai DJ plays a mix of stuff you already listen to and recommendations. I have been using it for a bit and have found some songs I love.


WolfgangWuzReal t1_jcj22ot wrote

Well, what are the 5 artists? Maybe start looking into artists closely associated with them. It can definitely be overwhelming, but maybe just taking it one artist at a time could help


PricelessLogs t1_jcj8md8 wrote

Find the stuff that's similar to what you already like and branch out from there


Zosia1991 t1_jcjc8sx wrote

I go to the genre I’m interested in and look for new releases. I listen to the list of new music to find songs and artists I like. It’s fun to explore new music in all genres. It also made me realize that some generations believe good music ended after… Pink Floyd, AC/DC, Journey, Led Zeppelin, Lynard Skynard, The Eagles, etc. I’m a Gen X and I’m ashamed of people my age who completely limit their music selections to bands like these. I like finding new artists and honestly, I’m so sick of some of the bands of that era that I could happily never listen to them again.


Valdamier t1_jcjgqdd wrote

I like to find a random song on YouTube and let it take me away through the suggestions. If I hate a suggestion, I either hit the back button and look at another, or just go with the flow. One song leads to another, one artist leads to another. Do this without logging in so there's not a stupid algorithm.


zyygh t1_jcjvtaf wrote

I can relate. I know the entire catalogs of Pink Floyd, The Beatles, Bruce Springsteen, Radiohead, Sigur Ros and a few others, and apart from that my music knowledge is basically limited to the 200 most popular classic rock songs.

I enjoy it so I stick with it. Don't tell yourself you're "boring" and try to change because of that; just do what you enjoy.


geno_blast t1_jcj1ljj wrote

I have a diverse music taste and what helps if I find a song I like, I'll do the play off radio on spotify, maybe find one or another similar. I'll also type 2023 "insert genre here" and see what comes up. For instance I do that to find new metalcore or I'll specifically search a song I love to find remixes of it. Discover weekly on spotify also throws me some bangers


KolhiiHead69 t1_jcj29e3 wrote

Just go nuts. Expose yourself to as much as possible. When you find something you like, do some research on it. Look it up on Reddit or rym, see what other people think of it.


Kadink t1_jcj2lva wrote

I have had success playing videos on Youtube and playing their suggestions


garflnarb t1_jcj3ssz wrote

For me, Bob Dylan’s Theme Time Radio Hour has been a gold mine of great music I hadn’t heard before. You can find the episodes online.


IronRainBand t1_jcj56pi wrote

Oh, my, I think the huge issue is there is too much to choose from now. If I was being introduced to music now I would be insane. Since I'm older we would only hear music as it was being created and limited on the radio...albums came out slowly, not every few minutes. So we had a lot of time to absorb the music, figure what we liked, sitting with the album and listening to the music over and over. BUT that doesn't help you here. Here is a thought...start at the beginning...look up videos from the 70s and see if a genre hits you, if not, try the 80s, then the 90s, etc. You may go down rabbit holes but hopefully you can pin down what moves you. You may like one band for 6 months and then never listen to them again but what the heck.


Mr-Reanimator t1_jcj656d wrote

Don't compare yourself to others, comparison is the thief of joy. Enjoy what you enjoy, and don't be so hard on yourself for it.

As far as ideas for music, I think it's important to consider what you're looking for, and why. If you want to know what to look for, you'll find it pretty quickly if you think about the answers you get to those questions. Without details, it's hard to offer much direction without just hoping the ideas apply to what you're looking for.


lostgirl4774 t1_jcjb1dv wrote

Don’t worry about not memorizing lyrics. Some of us just have a harder time noticing and remembering lyrics than others, because other parts of the music jump out to us more instead.

You don’t need to memorize lyrics to love a song!


not_a_cat_i_swear t1_jcjoqfq wrote

I find some gems at the end of a lot of B horror movies of tubitv.


Accomplished_Can5442 t1_jcjqqly wrote

I know this is much easier said than done, but try picking up an instrument! I find that music I like to listen to and music I like to play are totally different, but they end up bleeding together.


Sc00ter7622 t1_jck8u74 wrote

Who are your 5 artists? Maybe check to see if any of them have side projects or collabs with other artists outside their genre. Might be a rabbit hole to new music from familiar artists that opens up a new appreciation for them


goatAlmighty t1_jcks27q wrote

I'm 51, so I'm oldstyle, therefore I would suggest looking for radio stations that play the type of music you like, if you want to find more of the same kind.

If you really want to expand beyond the genre(s) you currently listen to, another thing could be to look for "best of"-lists in different genres, to see if there's something in there you like.


ghostthecatalyst t1_jcl7kac wrote

One way is to simply ask friends or communities what they are listening to, join a music discord server like this one where people are sharing what they listen to all the time